You: You really don’t spend enough time with you. Between your career, kids, spouse, home, errands, friends, family and other obligations you have approximately zero time to yourself. The sad part is that you are the best person you know, and you’d love to spend more time with you. Sometimes you have to decline an invitation, say no or simply make an effort to spend time with yourself. You are pretty awesome, and you need to remember that you are the VIP of your own life: Start celebrating you right this second. Trust us; you’ll be glad you did. Here are some steps to love yourself.
Tried and True
It may seem like a cliché to hop in a jetted tub full of bubbles with candles lit, a good book (may we suggest the actual book version and not your electronic e-Reader that probably won’t do too well near water?) and a glass of wine, but it isn’t. There is really nothing quite as relaxing as a hot bath to relax your muscles, mind and spirit. Add to that a good book to get lost in and a glass of wine to ease your anxiety and you might as well call in sick tomorrow because you aren’t getting up any time soon.
See a Movie
Okay, this one is difficult for some people because they simply don’t know how to be alone. However, going to see a movie by yourself and even to dinner by yourself is one of the most liberating things you can do for you. Trust me, I’ve done it. Kiss the kids and your husband goodbye, turn your ringer off and head to see that movie you’ve been waiting to see. Eat some popcorn, buy some chocolate or take yourself out for a drink afterward. You’ll love every second of it and you will feel invigorated afterward.
Kick Everyone Out
Send your husband to do the grocery shopping with the kids. This should give you about an hour to yourself around the house. Turn the music up and dance around your living room. Pour yourself a cocktail and read your favorite book. Watch ridiculous television or just enjoy the solitude that is your own home while it is still quiet.