It seems that everyone is working from home at least part time these days. Even my husband is now working from home full-time as he has a job after 15 years with his former employer. He’s loving every second of it, and he’s happy that he made this transition. What it means for him is that he gets to be here with us more often, we get to share an office, and he has to learn how to work from home with 2-year-old twins running around the house all day. I’ve been working from home for the past 8 years, so it’s not something I’ve ever not known. He’s adjusting quite well, and he enjoys it a lot.
Some people aren’t so fortunate, however. They actively seek jobs that allow them to work from home, and many people are falling prey to scams that end up costing them money, time and their happiness. Working from home is a killer gig if you can get it, but that doesn’t mean you should be taken advantage of. There are hundreds of ways you can work from home without spending a dime on anything other than your living expenses, and there are more than a few companies that are legit for those who want to work from home.
There are also companies that are just a bit scam. Chances are good that if something sounds a little too good to be true, it probably is. We want you to do what you want in life, but we don’t want you to get scammed. That’s why we have a few of the biggest red flags you should look for when beginning a career working from home.
Negative reviews
Chances are good that most all businesses have a negative review or two. When was the last time you skipped out on sharing with the world how angry you were after an experience at a hotel or a restaurant or whatever? Most of us are fired up and ready to tell the world when we are unhappy, so it’s to be expected. However, if you find that a company is filled with complaints that outshine anything positive, you probably want to watch out for some potential scams.
Is it too good to be true?
When someone is super excited about a new job that allows them to work from home for an hour a day two days a week and earn six-figures, I have to question whether or not they are actually a little bit crazy. These are people, after all, who are hardly working and they’re making a killing. That doesn’t even sound remotely legitimate. In an instance such as this one, it probably is far too good to be true.
They want your money
For the most part, unless you are joining one of those pyramid scheme companies that sell candles or Tupperware or work out products, you won’t need to invest any of your own money into any businesses. Any work from home opportunity that wants you to spend this much money for this and that and promises you a huge return on your money for whatever product you are selling or they need your money for is probably not telling the truth. The best businesses to become involved in are the ones that don’t require you spend any of your own money to work from home.
Companies that won’t discuss what they’re all about
I have been seeing this discussed a lot on social media lately, and it makes me laugh. Then it makes me worry for people based on how many of them keep falling for it. There is a large number of people going around writing very vague posts about this new business venture they’ve taken part it. They all start off by saying that they are the biggest skeptics ever of things like this, but they heard the pitch and it was totally amazing and it’s changed their lives for the better almost instantly.
When people are intrigued and what to know what it is that is making them wealthy beyond comprehension, they all give the same answer, “I can’t write about it to do it justice or help you understand it! It’s just so good! You should come to our team meeting next week to learn more!”
People; this is a scam. They want you in there because they know that most people find it too difficult to say no, so you will give them your money for whatever it is that they are doing and you will either take part and earn them more money or not take part and they still have your money. Whatever it is, they win. If something is too difficult to explain in a simple text message or conversation, then we have to assume it’s probably a huge scheme meant to confuse you into whipping out your credit card.
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