If ever you wake up in the morning and think that you wish you were more productive or that you could get your day started on a better note, you’re not alone. The most productive, happiest and most energized people in the world have a daily routine that helps them accomplish exactly this. If you want to make your days more productive, more satisfying and more of all the rest of the good stuff, you’ll want to follow this advice.
Wake Up
Don’t sleep longer than 7 am on any given morning. When you wake up at or prior to 7 am you will find you actually have more energy and more determination to make the day productive. Why? Because your mind and body are ready to go and you haven’t yet slept the day away, which can cause you to feel rushed and overwhelmed, as if you don’t have enough time to do all that needs doing.
Don’t Fear What Could Go Wrong
Many people start each day worried about what could go wrong; will the kids behave enough to leave for school in time? Will you be able to run all your errands and still get done what needs doing before school pick-up this afternoon? Will your presentation at work be successful or a dud? Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, you’ll find yourself in a much better mood and in a much more successful mood if you focus on what could go right. It’s not even that hard once you start doing it regularly.
Be Kind
Nothing ruins a day quite like a bad attitude. You’ll be amazed how amazing you feel after being kind to someone who you otherwise would have berated for their incompetence or poor behavior. When you make an effort to choose kindness over the reaction you really want to have, you’ll feel like the kind of great person you really are and it will affect the rest of your day on a positive note.
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