It’s like I say to my husband all the time, some of the best things in life are free. He then makes some offhand comment about how he will remember that the next time he’s going to get me something inside a little blue box and he’ll draw me a picture instead – he’s so funny. But one teacher is making a huge impact on her students, helping them to come out of their shell and share a bit more by giving them kudos. No, really; she’s actually got cards that say, “Kudos,” on them and she hands them out as she sees fit with a sweet note to each of her students who does something deserving of her Kudos.
Not only is she making her students feel good about their participation in class, she’s giving them something tangible to help them remember that they’re pretty awesome people. The moral of the story is this; sometimes it’s the smallest, simplest gifts that make the biggest impacts on a life. Sure, I love the expensive, lavish things in life, but I don’t find myself on the phone with my mother or my girlfriends bragging about a new piece of jewelry or another bouquet of flowers. I find myself taking a snapshot of a Snickers bar or a funny card my husband gives me and sharing that, or calling my husband on the way home to tell him that our daughter’s assistant principal sent home a note with her telling us how impressed she is with our 6-year-old’s writing and reading skills. It’s the little things in life that make the biggest difference in our lives. A smile, a note that says nothing more than, “Good for you for being cool,” and the way that it makes us and other people feel.
There is something to be said about the smallest gestures. It’s been said that the best things in life are free, and I wholeheartedly agree. Money buys so many amazingly wonderful things, but it cannot buy happiness and it cannot buy feelings. Your words, your gestures and your actions, however, mean more to anyone than anything else.
Photo by Imgur