Children Go To Goodwill Store Only To Find Out They Cannot Purchase Toys

anonymous goodwill donor

Tarryn Henkelman was recently playing on her scooter, when unfortunately it broke. Even though Christmas is less than two weeks away, Tarryn’s parent took her to the Fort Collins, Colorado Goodwill store on Pavilion Lane. She could only hope that Goodwill had a scooter for sale to replace her broken one.

Tarryn and her parents search through the Goodwill toy section, looking for the coveted scooter. Wouldn’t you know it, they found one! It was a Christmas miracle. The magic didn’t stop there though, as the store manager got on the intercom and made an announcement.

All kids today, all day long, you get one free toy, free stuffed animal or free kids book

Not only was Tarryn getting her replacement scooter as an early Christmas present, she was also getting it for free. An anonymous donor came into the Goodwill store earlier in the day and bought out the entire toy section. So as countless children and parents came in to shop for toys and books, when they went up to the register to pay, they were informed that it was free.

Nobody knows who the mystery man with the big heart is, but he’s been doing this for a decade.

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