Alaska Airlines Employee Buys Ticket for Stranded Delta Passenger

alaska airlines

If ever you’ve been on a flight, you’ve certainly experienced some issue or another. For example, perhaps you were on a flight that was delayed, it caused you to miss your connection and you had to stay overnight in another city and catch an early flight. Perhaps bad weather kept you from departing. Perhaps someone didn’t do their job correctly and your flight was overbooked and you couldn’t get on the plane for some reason or another. It happens all the time, but sometimes it happens to people who can’t do anything about it. For one Vancouver woman, her flight on Delta Airlines was a huge ordeal that caused her days worth of confusion, anxiety and stress.

Her initial flight into California for a business meeting experienced several weather and mechanical issues that caused her to get on a plane, wait, go to a different city, stay overnight and finally take an early morning flight. When she arrived for her return flight home, she was informed that her return flight was cancelled because Delta used her return flight to pay for her to get to California the following morning. Stuck in Seattle and unable to get home, Delta would not do anything for her but tell her they’d help her in the morning if they could.

That’s when a ticketing agent from Alaska Airlines stepped forward and promised this stranded woman she would help her get home that day. At first the airline passenger thought the Alaska Airlines woman had some free passes she could give her to board a flight, but she quickly realized that the ticketing agent was using her own credit card to pay for this woman to get home on an earlier flight that evening. She ticketing agent states that she knew she was not required to help this woman, but that she felt it was the right thing to do. She said she was paying it forward, and that she believes her good deed will create more good deeds in the future.

Photo by David McNew/Getty Images


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