One of the fastest ways to remodel a master bedroom is to get a new bed. It’s the biggest piece of furniture in the room, and it’s one of the most impressive pieces. It certainly is the first thing anyone notices when they walk into the room, and for that reason the bed should be the focal point. It should be aesthetically appealing, it should dominate the room in a way that flatters, and it should be comfortable (it should probably be comfortable before anything else, but for the sake of your home’s décor we still recommend pretty). Your bed is the focal point, but you shouldn’t have to spend a fortune to get a bed that looks amazing. You also shouldn’t have to settle for cheap beds that look atrocious and, well, cheap. Instead, we have a great meet-in-the-middle sort of alternative for you that will allow you to remodel your master without going overboard on a new bed.
Skip the Furniture Store
You don’t have to go to a high-priced furniture store to get a nice bed. Instead, try going to a smaller, more fun store that offers furniture. You can even go somewhere like Target or Z Gallerie or Home Goods for pieces that you can manipulate into a gorgeous headboard or frame for your bed.
Consider Antique Stores
No one wants to sleep in a used bed (at least in my mind they do not), but a bed frame is far different than a mattress. Why not head to some antique stores and see if you can find something you can refinish or paint to look like a brand new bed and add it to your own mattress?
Don’t Forget the Covers
Sometimes the simplest beds can be made to look amazing with just a change of décor. Let’s try a bold, beautiful bedding set, a plethora of pillows and a big, bold piece of artwork on the wall behind the bed. This is sometimes enough to change the entire appearance of a room without changing a boring old bed in the least.
Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images