Helpful Tips To Make Sure Your Thanksgiving Dinner Goes Smoothly

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner can seem absolutely overwhelming but you don’t have to feel that way.  It can absolutely be doable with some careful planning and organization.  What you need to do is break cooking Thanksgiving dinner down into small pieces that you can do rather than try to tackle it as a whole.

The first thing that you need to do is decide on a menu.  Once you have your menu, you can make your grocery list.  It is a good idea to check your cabinets for staples before you go.  Many times we think that we have enough of a staple such as sugar or a certain spice only to find out when it comes time to use it that we do not.

It is a good idea when you are working out your plan of Thanksgiving dinner to work backwards.  What I mean is set a time that you want to serve dinner and work backward from there.  Figure out what time you need to start each dish counting backwards from that time.  It isn’t enough to figure this out, though, it is best to write it down.  I have done this every year I have hosted Thanksgiving dinner and have been happy that everything has always worked out to be served right on time.

Of course, you want to have your kitchen ready to cook in, as well.  Make sure that your kitchen is clean and in order the night before Thanksgiving.  Starting with a clean kitchen will make it easier for you to work in.

Many dishes can be prepared the night before.  Figure out what you can prepare beforehand to make it easier on you the day of your Thanksgiving dinner.  A little planning and preparation will go a long way.

For more help in planning your Thanksgiving dinner, ivillage offers a very helpful article on the subject.


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