Three Instant Mood Boosters

We bet there are a million things that would make you a little happier right now (and they probably all look like dollar bills). In fact, there are a million and one little things that can make you a little happier right now. Let me let you in on a little secret; I’m annoyingly happy. I wake up in a good mood, my sharp sarcasm puts me in an even better mood, and I’m pretty much always happy. However, even when I’m already happy, I don’t mind being a little happier and I’ve taken the advice of experts and tried these little tricks to make myself even happier than I already am. Guess what? They really work! Next time you want to feel happier, try one.

Eat Something Spicy

There’s something in spicy foods that triggers the pain receptors in your mouth, which then trigger your brain to release endorphins, which cause you to feel lighter and happier. Sprinkle a little red pepper on your next meal to boost your mood immeasurably.

Make the Bed

It’s amazing that something as simple and trivial as making the bed can turn your frown upside down, but it can. Starting off your day by doing something that feels like work will make you feel accomplished, which is a great feeling to have at the beginning of the day.

Spread a Little Cheer

Ladies, it’s time to make like Santa and share the joy. By saying something nice and unexpected to someone else you make them smile, which in turn makes you smile and feel like a really great person. When your husband gets home, give him a quick pat on the rear end and tell him he looks sexier than usual in his tie today. Give him a sexy little wink as an added bonus and your mood will be good to go for the rest of the evening.


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