Research Shows Music is the Key to a Child’s Development


“Music, as we know, is one of the most powerful means available to further human development and build great communities and societies,” states Dr. Peter Simon, President and CEO of the Royal Conservatory of Music. If you are a parent, you probably heard that letting your baby listen to classical music, even in utero, was good for brain development. Whether or you not you considered this an urban legend, scientific research proves it to be true.

Music is a magical thing. The first sounds of one song can take you back decades to a different time and a different place. It can make you remember a moment in time forever etched into your memory because of that one song.  Even better is that music makes kids smarter.

The Benefits of Music Education

Scientific theory turned into research has already proved that music increases a child’s IQ, working memory and it creates stronger neural connections in the brain. This helps to promote improved structure and function through neuroplasticity. It can delay the onset of dementia, compensate for hearing loss, and improve a child’s ability to process information and it also improves motor coordination.

The Fight for Music Education

Parents have a strong desire to provide kids with all the best opportunities available to promote their development in a positive manner. Neuroscience continues to prove that music education is the foundation to fast-track educational speech and reading skills and increased focus. When a child is regularly exposed to music, it helps them to develop emotional intelligent, which benefits them over the course of their lifetimes.

Decades of studies were recently compiled by the Royal Conservatory of Music. The article created is titled The Benefits of Music Education: An Overview of Current Neuroscience Research. It focuses on the long-term benefits of musical training and a child’s ability to reach his or her fullest potential.

Researchers use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) to see what exactly happens inside a child’s brain when the child is exposed to music. Current research includes more than 200 neuroscientists from across the globe and their ongoing efforts could lead to more development in the educational benefits music provides to children.

(Photo by Michal Czerwonka/Getty Images)


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