If anything screams summer quite as much as short shorts and watermelon, we don’t know about it. The moment you see that first watermelon stand on the side of the road, you just know that the sunshine is here and long, hot, sultry summer nights are ahead. It’s the perfect combination of summer and good health, and most people are completely unaware of the good health that comes along with eating watermelon. We eat it because it’s delicious, juicy and it just hits the spot on a hot summer day, and we are completely unaware of the many amazing health benefits associated with eating this delicious fruit. In fact, we are unaware of many things that go hand in hand with eating watermelon. Because it’s still winter, spring is a month and a half away and we are all impatient for summer to arrive, we thought we’d tell you all about how good watermelon is – for you.
Relieve Muscle Aches
If you have sore muscles, eat some watermelon. There is something about the juice that makes it possible for you to feel relief in your muscles after an intense workout. It’s call citrulline, and it’s part of the juice. It’s going to make it possible for you to feel good and relieve some aches and pains.
Get Your Water
Watermelon is so aptly named. It’s filled with water. In fact, it’s more than 91% water, which means it’s just so good for you. Watermelon nutrition is impressive, but the amount of water you take in when you eat it is what makes it worth your while.
Watermelon is an Overachiever
It’s a fruit. It’s a vegetable. It’s not happy just being one or the other. It has to be both, and that makes it completely awesome and oh-so healthy for us to eat. Here’s to summer and the good nutrition brought on by watermelon.
Photo by Eric Thayer/Getty Images