A half hour every single day can change your life. A half hour of what, you ask? Exercise, of course. I’m going to be completely honest with you here. I haven’t been so good about exercise in the past few months. Our schedule has become so hectic that when I have to spend an additional 2 minutes doing something that’s not on my list of things to do (finding a missing shoe, for instance) I want to sit down and cry because it throws me off my game and it makes my Type-A need for control personality feel overwhelmed.
We have four kids. They’re almost 8, 5 and our twins are two. I work from home; my husband has a demanding job outside the home. Our kids play sports. We have a social circle that’s pretty tightknit and close, and we have literally booked every single weekend with trips, dates, events, parties and fun things to do from now through September – and that means really through January since we have college football, Pop Warner and it’s all fall and the holidays which take up our weekends like crazy. While we are healthy eaters and we are active, we haven’t taken much of an effort to work out lately.
My husband loves to run, I love yoga; but we both have so much on our plates that by the time we are done for the day, we are done. Now that we are in our 30s, however, we are a little concerned that our good genes might decide to call it quits anytime. We did join the YMCA that opened near our house recently, and we’ve been so much better about working out. In fact, I went 6 days in a row last week and did at least a half hour on the treadmill each time. What I’ve realized in getting back into the grind is that we have far more energy, far more productivity in our lives and we are saving some serious money by getting healthy.
Did you know that being healthy and exercising regularly could save you money and change your life? If not, I’ll tell you all about it.
Lower Insurance
When you work out at least 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week, you are able to lower your insurance by making yourself healthier as a whole. When you have fewer health issues and your life insurance agent provides you with that dreaded test each time you take a new policy, you’ll pass with flying colors and be able to receive lower rates since you’re far healthier.
Fewer Trips to the Doctor
When you exercise regularly, you boost the power of your immune system. When you do this, you feel healthier more often. A healthier immune system means that you’re going to see a huge improvement in the way that you feel as a whole, including the fact that you’re less susceptible to health issues such as colds, the flu and other common illnesses that require you see the doctor, pay for prescriptions and pay that copay.
Improved Moods is More Savings
I don’t know about you, but when I’m in a bad mood I shop. I buy things. This past week was a particularly stressful one for me thinking all the things that I have to do this week for my two daughter’s last week of school, one’s graduation from VPK and two half days this week that will literally ruin everything that has to do with nap time for the twins.
I bought things. I have had a box of makeup arrive from Sephora. I ordered two dresses on different days from Nordstrom. I have a new pair of Tory Burch Espadrilles arriving in a few days. I just ordered my daughter some new short from Old Navy. I stress shop when my mood is crazy; and I’m not alone.
When you work out and exercise, you increase the happy endorphins that flow through your body. When you feel good, you don’t do things like shop while emotional. You just feel good, you make it a point to enjoy life and you’re going to save money. There won’t be a pity latte, sad shoes or a new dress to perk you up.
Exercise can decrease your risk of poor health and certain diseases. It can put you in a good mood, decrease your risk of anxiety and depression and make you a happier person as a whole. All this works together to save you money and make you feel as if you are on top of the world. With all this knowledge, can you find it in your heart to exercise for a half hour every day for the entire week? It’s not much time, but it’s a huge investment into your health and financial future.
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