When To Leave A Relationship: 15 Signs It’s Time To Move On

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When to leave a relationship: 15 signs it’s time to move on and why. There are many ways to tell that you’re not feeling it.

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Life with them is miserable 

There are unhappy times in any relationship. But if that feeling persists and becomes the norm, it’s time to leave a relationship before things get worse.

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The fighting doesn’t stop

A lot of relationships carry a very large number of normal occurrences, and fighting is one of them. You’ll get on each other’s nerves now and then, but that’s okay, that’s personal growth. If the fighting doesn’t stop though, it’s time to admit something is wrong and leave a relationship.

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They want you to change in ways you don’t agree with

Sharing everything with your partner is a great way to stay together. But if they guide you toward something you don’t agree with and won’t relent, you might need to leave a relationship before things get too involved.

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They give you no emotional support at all

Being there for each other is an important part of a relationship. If your partner isn’t willing to offer comfort or even understand you then it’s hard to stay close.

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You’ve outgrown your partner

In other words, your partner is not at the same level you are, or vice versa. Vastly differing personal goals, values, and interests can tear people apart on an emotional level.

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The relationship feels like a trap

Freedom is another part of a relationship that people feel the need to enjoy. If your partner is trying to control or trap you in any way it can damage your self-esteem and make you feel cornered, which is dangerous.

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There’s no trust left

What is there in a relationship if there’s no trust? There is such a thing as forgiveness, but trust is hard to regain and easy to lose.

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There’s emotional and/or physical abuse

This is inexcusable, but sadly it’s something that people allow to go on and on. Leave a relationship if this happens, don’t hesitate.

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Your goals and values are vastly different 

Some differences are easy to reconcile and can mesh with each other. But if you’re going in a completely different direction than your partner, it’s time to end it.

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Feelings of isolation set in

A healthy relationship will allow people to feel as though this is where they belong. But isolation will take a serious emotional toll on anyone and can leave them feeling all alone, even in a home where they should feel secure.

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You’ve lost all sense of self

A fulfilling relationship should leave you feeling as though you’re being elevated, enhanced, not swallowed whole and forgotten. Your passions are important, as are your partner’s, but if either of you feel as though you’ve lost yourself, it’s time to reassess or end it.

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There’s no communication 

You need to communicate to keep your relationship lively and functional. If you can’t, well, then it’s time to think about whether it’s still worth the effort.

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You have the desire to end the relationship

This is one of the biggest red flags of all. If you’ve had any thought of ending the relationship, you need to make your partner aware and see if they agree, or if there’s a chance to salvage anything.

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The same problems keep getting recycled

The issue of facing the same problem is that they never get solved, they just get pushed aside in favor of peaceful living. This doesn’t solve anything, as the issues will come back and possibly be even worse.

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There’s no emotional connection

An emotional connection can shift, stretch, and even fracture occasionally. But if it’s absent entirely, then it’s crisis prevention time or it’s time to walk away.


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