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There are way more than 20 strange facts about animals. But the fact is that trying to nail down all the strange facts is a daunting task.

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The pink fairy armadillo possesses a weird shell structure
Found in Argentina, this small critter has a shell that lets it move through sand and similar environments easy-peasy. The shell isn’t attached to the body, which lets the creature bury itself to escape whenever it needs to.

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Regeneration is the axolotl’s specialty
Out of all the strange facts out there, regeneration is something that many people feel is more science fiction than reality. But the axolotl can regrow limbs and even parts of its vital organs.

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No other animal can eat as fast as the star-nosed mole
It takes roughly a quarter of a second for the tentacles at the end of this mole’s nose to help consume whatever the creature sees as food. Imagine this critter in an eating contest, yikes.

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The Aye-Aye’s middle finger is special for a reason
The Madagascar-born lemur possesses a long, thin middle finger that is helpful when picking insects from tree bark. Along with its sensitive hearing, the aye-eye doesn’t miss much when it’s feeding time.

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Most mammals don’t lay eggs
One of the strange facts that many people still don’t know is that the platypus, which is a mammal, lays eggs. It’s the kind of fact that causes a lot of people’s brains to short-circuit for a moment.

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Not a lot of creatures have the exceptional vision that the Mantis Shrimp does
The eyes of this creature can move independently and allow them to detect predators at multiple angles. When you’re a food source for a lot of other creatures this comes in handy.

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It’s insanely tough to damage or kill a Tardigrade
It’s known as a water bear, but it’s a microscopic creature that can withstand a tremendous amount of trauma. The creature has survived in space of all places.

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Most parrots aren’t flightless, but the Kakapo is an exception
There are plenty of interesting facts about this parrot, but the fact that it doesn’t fly and is nocturnal are two that stand out. Not only that but it is endangered and protected.

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As a predator, it’s fair to say that a lot of people don’t know about the Fossa
It looks like something between a mongoose and a cat, but it’s the largest carnivore in Madagascar. It’s also known for its insane agility and ability to climb trees rapidly.

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The Yeti Crab knows how to survive
There’s a reason why this thing is called a yeti crab, but that’s only one of the strange facts that makes it worth noting. It can also thrive in an environment where many creatures would suffer horribly.

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A unique defense keeps the Thorny Dragon safe
This Australian lizard has a great way of keeping predators from dominating it. The conical spines that cover its body and its ability to regulate its body temperature go a long way to keeping it safe, as does the fact that it can collect water through any part of its body.

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Mimicry is a great way to defend and mask yourself
The Hummingbird Hawk-Moth resembles a hummingbird, no joke. This can keep a lot of predators at bay, which is a good thing.

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Most mammals don’t have scales
Most mammals don’t need scales since they have a tough hide or other physical attributes that help. But the pangolin can roll into a ball and present a tough exterior to anything that sees it as lunch.

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A long leg span can help with defense or offense
The Japanese Spider Crab is a long-limbed creature that knows how to defend itself. It’s typically gentle, but a fierce countenance can go a long way.

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Beauty can be insanely deceptive
The Blue Dragon Nudibranch is a slug, more or less, but one that is very pretty to look at. But considering that it preys on Portuguese Man o’ Wars, it’s something you should stay away from.

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A staring contest is a strange way to hunt, but if it works then okay
The distinctive look of the Shoebill makes this bird easy to spot. But the patience of this bird when hunting is legendary.

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Unusual feeding has the effect of classifying something as strange
The Gerenuk will stand on its hind legs to feed on leaves that are out of reach of other gazelle species. Its nickname, the “giraffe gazelle” is well-earned.

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When was the last time you saw a fish ‘walk’?
The Red-Lipped Batfish has fins that almost look like legs, which makes it appear to ‘walk’ on the ocean floor. Not only that, but it has a very distinctive pout that identifies it.

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Everything adapts differently to the environment
A big, bulbous nose identifies the Saiga Antelope. Not only does this allow the antelope to regulate the quality of the air it breathes, it also allows the creature to thrive in extreme environments.

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When you’re called the “Jedi of the sea” it’s important to look the part
It’s also known as the unicorn of the sea thanks to the distinctive tusk. The truth is that this is an elongated tooth, though a lot of scientists still don’t know what it’s for.