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There are 18 secrets to living a longer life that are easy for many people to apply by giving themselves the attention they need. Many of these steps are exceedingly simple with a little self-discipline.
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Establish healthy habits
The longer you live the less efficient your body becomes. By exercising and eating healthy you can slow your aging, at least a little.
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Make wise choices
Pay attention to the little things in your life. It’s easy to overlook all the little details that keep you healthy and secure, but paying attention to them could lead to a longer life.
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Be social
Plenty of studies show that people with friends tend to live longer on average. Social ties also maintain your mental health in a beneficial manner.
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Pay attention to which friends you choose
Believe it or not, your friends’ habits will rub off on you eventually. Make sure your friends have good habits to emulate.
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Don’t/Quit smoking
If you haven’t started, great, it’s a nasty habit. If you’re trying to quit, it’s documented that in many cases this will help to promote a longer life.
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Treat yourself to a nap now and then
In some parts of the world, a nap is part of the average day. There’s evidence in some cases that napping can help to keep down stress and stave off heart disease.
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Try a Mediterranean diet
It’s a big switch, but a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, whole grains, and olive oil can help your body in a big way. Denying the chance to be obese or experience high blood pressure sounds like a great decision.
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Try an Okinawan diet
At one time the people of Okinawa, Japan, had a long, long lifespan. The regular diet of green and yellow vegetables helped, as did only eating a certain percentage of food on their plate.
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Get married
It might sound kind of odd and open itself to satire, but marriage is said to provide the kind of support that helps people live longer. Those who are divorced or widowed often do not live as long.
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Cut the weight
There are a lot of benefits to losing weight such as avoiding diabetes, heart disease, and many other conditions. Belly fat is the most common problem most people have.
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Keep your heart rate up
Exercise does prolong your life on average since keeping yourself busy is good maintenance for the heart. Not only that but if you stay active, it helps your mind to keep from wearing down as well as your body.
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Drink in moderation
This should go without saying. Those who drink too much are playing a game of Russian Roulette in which the odds are continually stacked against them. But a drink every now and then doesn’t hurt.
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Attend your spiritual needs
This is a tough one to equate with anything other than mental health. Spiritualism does help build a social network and therefore creates a chance to improve mental health.
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Learn to let grudges go
Staying angry is often linked to heart disease, stroke, and a host of other problems. It’s akin to drinking poison and expecting the other person to slowly perish.
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Use safety measures
There’s no need to have accidents if they’re preventable. Anytime you can make sure you stay safe when working or just having a good time.
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Stress management
Stress will always exist as a part of life. But there are ways to control it and manage it so that you can avoid letting stress wreck your life.
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Get some sleep
Some people need to get more sleep, it’s a fact. This is the time your body uses to rest, relax, and recoup. Not only that, but a good night’s sleep will help to recover from an illness quicker.
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Maintain your purpose
Your purpose, that thing you’re meant to do in life, is elusive sometimes and hard to pin down. But when you find it, hold onto it and do what you can to cultivate it. The results will surprise you.