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There are at least 15 reasons you struggle to make adult friends. Honestly, by a certain age, you’re set in your ways.

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Sometimes being a loner is easier
There are a lot of reasons why some of us enjoy our alone time more often. But finding a pleasing balance between time with friends and alone time is important.

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Making the first move isn’t your thing
Thankfully, not all of us are this way once we reach adulthood. But to make adult friends, you do need to step out of your comfort zone, cozy as it is.

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You’ve built up a tough exterior for a reason
It’s tough to make adult friends, that’s proven. But it’s not always toughness if you refuse to share anything about yourself. Sometimes it’s just stubbornness.

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You’ve developed very specific interests
There’s nothing wrong with the interests that you’ve collected over time. But trying new things and adding to your repertoire can expand your friends base.

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Avoiding social situations is habit-forming
People who like hanging out and making new friends can’t stand this. But those who don’t have that same social drive can form this habit quickly. That’s not something to be proud of.

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You’re stuck in the digital world
A lot of us didn’t have this growing up and we remember when interacting with people was important, or at least pleasing. These days, it’s easier to scroll on social media and get into a game. But honestly, we need to go back to the old ways sometimes and just talk to people.

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You want the world to make sense in a perfect way
Pardon me while I laugh respectfully…ha. The point is that we already know that the world isn’t perfect, and seeking perfection is nice, but it’s kind of a fruitless search. You’ve learned to appreciate quirks in people at this time, so live with what you’ve learned.

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Trusting others is kind of difficult
It’s challenging to allow people to enter your life if you can’t trust them. Unfortunately, the emotional cling-wrap that keeps people safe is also a barrier when it comes to making friends.

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There is such a thing as planning too much
Planning your night or day out is all well and good. But micro-managing every little point is obsessive and takes away from the experience.

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It’s no longer as satisfying to compromise
Once age sets in it’s very easy to become set in your ways. But remaining flexible in relationships is still important since it allows more give and take that helps bonds to stay strong.

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It’s tough to break into your inner circle
You do have a close group of friends, but stepping into that circle is tough for anyone who hasn’t known you for years. What’s important to remember is that at one time, you were all strangers.

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People don’t know how to approach you
You could present as a fun person, but too much socializing might drain you quickly. It’s important to let people know how to relate to you to make friends.

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Overthinking social gatherings is too easy
In other words, you worry too much about what you say, what others say, and what it all really means. It’s time to get out of your head and just enjoy the series of moments that come along.

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No one needs your life story
Picking and choosing what to share with who is, of course, up to you. There’s no need to share every detail of your life, but letting people get to know you is easier when you share a few personal facts.

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Small talk is for the birds
It’s a lot of blah, blah, blah, and yada, yada, yada, but it does serve a purpose. It’s the foyer to a deeper conversation if you’re interested.