You might think that if you’re cooking, he shouldn’t complain. However, some men have much to say about what you put on the table each night, even if it’s less than complimentary. Or maybe he doesn’t have anything negative to say about your cooking because his nearly full plate at the end of each meal and his facial expressions throughout dinner say it for him. He doesn’t like your cooking and you can’t figure out why. Read on for 20 possible reasons he might not like your cooking.
(Photo by Timothy Hiatt/Getty Images for Waldorf Astoria Chicago)

He Has No Taste
Some men have no taste. If it’s not beer and chicken wings, he doesn’t like it. Some men just have no taste and it makes it difficult for them to like what you have to serve. For example, a man who grew up eating the same meals over and over again each night at home with his family is less likely to have good taste. Why? Because he never had the chance to develop his taste further than the few meals he enjoyed growing up.
(Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)

You’re Not His Mom
Some men don’t like your cooking for one very valid – according to men – reason; you are not his mother. You are not his mom and therefore you cannot cook as well as his mom. You probably also don’t keep the house the same way as his mom or fold laundry the same way as his mom or even pour wine into a glass the same way as his mom. This has nothing to do with your cooking and everything to do with his mommy issues.
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

You Use Too Much Salt
Some people think that cooking requires so much salt that food begins to have the same salt content as the ocean. Your man might not like what you have to serve if you’re one of those cooks. While using salt is fine – and even necessary – while cooking, it’s not recommended you use so much salt you can feel your arteries clogging when you take your first bite.
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

No Seasoning
Nothing is worse than bland, tasteless food. If you aren’t big on using seasoning when you cook, he’s probably not going to like what you have to offer. There’s an art to seasoning, and it’s not that difficult once you learn what tastes good on what and how to serve things that have the perfect amount of seasoning to taste.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Too Dry
Rubber chicken is not good. There’s no other way to get around it. If your man thinks your kitchen motto is to cook it until you could drive on it, he’s got a pretty valid reason not to like your food. Try keeping the moisture in your food by using a meat thermometer to tell you when it’s done so that your main course maintains its moisture and decadent taste.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

What’s worse than rubber chicken? Pink, oozing chicken; it’s undercooked and it could actually kill you. Your man might think you’re trying to do just that if you consistently undercook everything you serve. Again, using the meat thermometer will help you cook your meat until it’s actually perfect.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Your Kitchen is Dirty
No one wants to eat a meal cooked by someone whose kitchen is questionably dirty. If you have dirty dishes everywhere and your counters look like they haven’t been wiped off in months, he’s not going to like your cooking. After all, who wants to eat food cooked in an unsanitary environment?
(Photo by Martin Hunter/Getty Images)

He’s Picky
Some men are just picky eaters. They can be a lot like children; they eat only a few things and won’t try anything else because they ‘just don’t like it’ (please insert your child’s whiniest voice here). Many people are picky, but if your man doesn’t like your cooking, it might be for this precise reason.
(Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images)

He’s Not Into You
This one is a big one. If a man doesn’t like your cooking and you know darn well that you are a magnificent chef, he might not be all that into you. You’ll know if this is the reason if he finds fault in everything you do in every aspect of your life. He hates your food. He hates your driving. He hates the way you sneeze. If this sounds like your man, he’s just not that into you.
(Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Almond Board of California)

You Burn Everything
If you constantly have to pull the bottom of your rolls and scrape the top of everything else to remove the burn marks, he probably doesn’t like your cooking. Burning everything is not the mark of a great chef, and it’s not the mark of an enjoyable meal.
(Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for Muppets Kitchen)

Too Sophisticated
Perhaps you took culinary classes at Le Cordon Bleu and he grew up eating hot dogs. His palette might not be sophisticated enough to understand why he can’t pronounce anything you cook and why your mac and cheese has stuff in it that did not come from a yellow box. Some men just don’t have a sophisticated palette and therefore, hate your cooking.
(Photo by Nick Ansell – WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Not Sophisticated Enough
On the other hand, however, if he’s used to eating only the finest cuisine and you’re a meat and potatoes kind of girl, he might not like your cooking because it’s not up to his caliber. If you want to broaden your cooking horizons, suggest that the two of you cook together so you can learn some of his technique.
(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

Your Ingredients are Questionable
Your man might not like your cooking simply because you’re using the wrong type of ingredient. Perhaps he’s a fresh food kind of guy and you’re more of a canned goods girl. When you make green beans, he might not like them because you emptied them out of a can and into a pot. He might love green beans, but only when they’re fresh from the produce section. Try switching out ingredients to see if this could be the cause of his dislike.
(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

You’re Not a Good Cook
This one is pretty obvious, but you might be surprised just how many women have no idea they’re not good cooks. You might simply have no skill in the kitchen. It’s okay. Not everyone is destined to be a great – or even decent – cook. It’s a fact of life. If you’re no good in the kitchen, just stay out of it. Let him cook if he’s that hungry and has that many complaints.
(Photo by Matthew Eisman/Getty Images for DELL)

Your Timing is Off
This is a reason people never think of. He might not like your cooking because your timing is off. For example, you might make good food, but you don’t know how to time each dish, therefore serving some pieces hot and others entirely too cold. If your potatoes are finished cooking 30 minutes before your steak, they’re probably not going to be very good.
(Photo by Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for Microsoft)

You Don’t Ask How he Likes It
You’re cooking steak and he’s excited to have your meal. You’re excited to serve it to him until you realize that he’s not as enthusiastic as you fully expected him to be. Why isn’t he raving over your delicious food? Probably because you did not bother asking him how he likes his steak. He might not like the way you cooked his, and that’s why he doesn’t seem to like your cooking.
(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

You Have Pets
Seriously, some men don’t like your cooking because you have pets. If you have a cat that likes to lounge on the table or jump on the counter, he might question whether or not this is a habit and the cat has been into his dish a few times when he wasn’t looking.
(Photo by Anna Webber/Getty Images for Chefdance)

Expiration Dates? What are Those?
If he opens your fridge and notices that you don’t have one bottle of salad dressing that didn’t expire two years ago, chances are good he’s not going to become a fan of your cooking. Try cleaning out your fridge every so often and making sure that all your ingredients are well within their “use by” date before you have him over for dinner.
(Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

There’s No Variety
If you cook the same two meals all the time, he’s not going to enjoy your cooking. He might love those dishes, but eating them every other night might do a quick job of turning him off of your cooking. Try to add some variety to your cooking schedule. Can’t think of any good recipes? Create a Pinterest board to fill with food recipes that look delicious and try them out.
(Photo by Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)

It’s Not His Way
Some men don’t like the way their significant others cook because it’s not the way they’d do it. If you don’t do things exactly as they would in the kitchen, they might be predisposed to disliking your food. If this happens in your life, feel free to let him do all the cooking from now on since his way is so much better than yours and go relax while he slaves. It’s really a win-win situation for all.