15 Phrases To Shut Down A Know-It-All

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There are 15 phrases to shut down a know-it-all, and several of them are guaranteed to work. The peace and quiet is worth it.

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“Can you elaborate a little?” 

This can go either way since some people will have quotes and statistics on hand to use. Others might stare at you blankly after realizing that they just played their hand and came up empty.

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“Well, that’s a different way to look at it.”

This can derail someone and shut a know-it-all up quickly if you catch them mid-stream. They either have to back up and start again or try to push forward while accepting your input.

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“I read something different…how interesting.” 

One thing a know-it-all doesn’t like that much is the reveal that there are plenty of resources to pull from on just about any subject. Not only does it open the discussion, it takes away their ‘exclusive’ knowledge of the subject.

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“I see. Have you considered an alternative?”

The wise know-it-all won’t fall into this trap that easily, but the average person will stumble when being confronted with an alternate idea. Not only that, but this changes the dynamic of the conversation.

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“Thanks, I appreciate your view.” 

With this, you acknowledge their input but don’t give it the importance they’re seeking. A know-it-all won’t hesitate to swing their ego around for everyone to notice, but this pushes the conversation along without having to battle with the know-it-all.

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“It’s important to remain objective.”

This is one of the best ways to maintain focus on what’s being discussed, rather than allow the know-it-all to reign over the conversation. At this point, they will either need to flex and risk looking like a jerks or back off and acknowledge the wisdom of moving on.

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“Can you clarify that?”

This challenges an individual in a very telling way. Some people will be able to come up with facts, others will look at you blankly.

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“That’s an intriguing perspective.” 

Acknowledging a statement without agreeing with it can derail a conversation smartly. It says you’re listening, but you’re not conceding that they do know everything.

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“I’ve never really considered that.” 

You still maintain your stance while showing some grace with this type of answer. It also makes others realize you’re open-minded but aren’t going to be moved that easily.

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“You make a strong point on this matter.”

It’s a way to remind everyone that people do have a great deal of knowledge in one or more things, but aren’t typically experts in everything. You don’t challenge a person directly, but you make it known that they’re not the end-all of the conversation.

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“I appreciate your insights.”

It’s wise to remain gracious in a conversation since you not only acknowledge that they do know something, but that you’re open to listening to them. At the same time, you make it known that differing views do matter.

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“That’s one way to see it.” 

Again, you’re making certain that you stay open to other ideas. But you’re also leaving it clearly stated that the other person is offering one way to look at something, not the only way.

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“Let’s agree to disagree.” 

Some people dig their heels in and won’t move, so a graceful exit is sometimes needed. It makes clear the point that you respect their opinion, but it won’t change yours.

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“You have a unique way of looking at things.”

This could be construed as an insult, but it’s all in the way you say it. If you remain respectful then it’s a great way to silence a person or make it known that their way of looking at things is not the only way.

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“You make a good point, but…”

It’s not a bad thing to agree with something correct. But there is the need to let someone know that there are various angles to use when discussing just about anything.


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