Photo by Eric Ward – Unsplash
Putting your dog down is one of the most heartbreaking moments for dog owners. This can be emotionally and mentally challenging for most dog owners. However, there are certain ways one can cope with this. Here are 15 ways to deal with putting your dog down.

Photo by Karlo Tottoc – Unsplash
Options Available for The Dog’s Treatment
Owners should initially consult a veterinarian about the information regarding the health conditions of their dog. They should look for better treatment options to heal the dogs, keeping the expenses in mind. If there are no options available anymore, owners should discuss medications or methods that can lessen the pain of their dog.

Photo by Markus Winkler – Unsplash
Evaluate The Quality of Life of The Dog
By keeping in touch with a vet, owners should assess the quality of life their dog is having. This assessment can be based on various parameters like hunger levels, hygiene, mobility issues, pain, or hydration. Due to this tracking, owners can understand the health conditions of their dogs and act according to it.

Photo by Karsten Winegeart – Unsplash
The Merits and Demerits of Putting the Dog Down Via Euthanasia
The emotional pain of the dog owners putting the dog down is quite evident. However, with the help of a veterinarian, owners should understand whether or not euthanasia is a good option for putting the dog down. Regardless of the guilt and stress, owners should think about the safety measures taken while putting their dogs down.

Photo by Simon Hurry – Unsplash
Comforting the Dog During the End Days
When putting the dog down is the last option, owners should pay more attention to them to minimize their pain. With proper medications, comfortable space, and warmth, owners can provide good, lasting days for their dogs. Moreover, by doing this, owners can also spend some quality time with their dogs before putting them down.

Photo by Ben White – Unsplash
Informing Friends and Family
Many times, people close to dog owners also develop some connection with the dogs. And because of this, owners should instantly inform the people close to the dying dog about the situation. This also provides additional support to dog owners while they are in grief and sorrow.

Photo by Caleb Woods – Unsplash
Helping Children with Grief
When it comes to family pet dogs dying, children of the same family fall into deep distress. Therefore, dog owners should help their children understand the tough times. Moreover, they can do this by allowing their children to be a part of the final moments. However, they should be very careful with the kids as they are quite sensitive.

Photo by Alex Shute – Unsplash
Forgiving Yourself
The final step is to forgive yourself. This is hard to accomplish, but dog owners should understand that the decision was probably for the best due to a lack of possible alternative solutions. herefore, it is better to cherish the final moments rather than have negative thoughts.

Photo by Junseong Lee – Unsplash
Saying Final Good-Bye
In the final moments, owners should try to find closure. They should try to accept the fact that their pet is dying without any pain. Moreover, they should remember the precious moments they shared with their dogs. However, owners can choose to be absent when the process of euthanasia happens.

Photo by Sandy Millar – Unsplash
Considering Burial Options After Death
After the process of euthanasia, owners should consult a veterinarian about the burial options. After the discussion with the family members, owners must decide whether or not they want to bury their dog in a pet cremation center or on their own property. However, they can choose whether or not they want to be a part of the burial process.

Photo by Adrianna Geo – Unsplash
Reaching Out to Support Groups
Support groups are known for supporting people with their emotional stress and pain. Therefore, dog owners must consider the option of joining certain support groups. This can help them talk about their grief and regret. If someone is hesitant to join such groups, they can talk with their family or friends during these tough times.

Photo by Oliver Hotakainen – Unsplash
Honoring The Memories
To honor the moments shared with the dog, owners can organize a memorial for the dog. They can organize a small get-together with their loved ones and people close to the dog. This can help the owners to lessen their emotional pain and help them to remember the good moments with their dog.

Photo by Hanny Naibaho – Unsplash
Considering Another Pet Dog
Dog owners face deep emotional stress after the death of their pet. However, they must consider getting a new pet dog to bring back the joy in their lives. It is a difficult choice for these owners, but it still can be discussed. But they should think about this option only when they feel emotionally ready.

Photo by Victor Freitas – Unsplash
Participating In Physical Activities
When it comes to fighting against emotional pain, owners should consider participating in any physical sport. They can start running or working out in gyms to avoid negative thoughts. This can help them maintain a positive attitude in their lives. Moreover, this positive attitude can change their perspective and lead a happy life.

Photo by Ismael Paramo – Unsplash
Volunteering or Donating
After the death, dog owners can consider volunteering in social services to protect stray dogs. Moreover, they can even think of adopting a stray dog. By doing this, the stray dog can get a house, and in the meantime, dog owners can again be happy with the companionship of the dog.

Photo by Erda Estremera – Unsplash
Moving On
Moving on from death seems quite easy to say but very hard to put to work. However, dog owners should look out for ways to move on from this grief. They can try removing all the things from the house that bring back the old memories with their pet dog.