He goes by the name The Boss, but you might also know him as Bruce Springsteen. He’s been making his fans scream with excitement every time they see him on stage for decades, and he is not looking to slow down anytime in the near future. The man is a rock legend, and he lives for his fans. He is a man who makes it his mission to provide a real show each time, spending more than three hours on stage when he can. He’s never half there, half at it, or giving just a little. He’s in. He’s all in, all the time, and that might just be why his fans continue to show their exceptional loyalty to him even after all this time.

Former President Barack Obama Is a Huge Fan
The former President of the United States is a huge fan of Bruce Springsteen. The former president was once quoted saying that he only decided to get into politics and become a president because he couldn’t be Bruce Springsteen when he grew up. He has always been a huge fan of the singer, and he was very happy to let the world know that this is music that was played more than once in the White House.

He Met His Second Wife First
Bruce Springsteen was married in the eighties and divorced the same decade, but he met his first wife second. He met his second wife first, but the timing was not right. He then met his first wife, married her, and spent a few years being totally miserable as he said in his music. He was very unhappy in his marriage, and he wrote a lot about it. He then went back to work with his second wife, whom he knew first, and they ended up back together.

He Did Not Cheat on His Wife
When The Boss and his first wife announced they were divorcing, it was months after they had already agreed to make things official by ending their marriage. It was just not something they took to the press to deal with at the time. He was not with his wife for many months before he began seeing the woman he would make his second wife, and that made the press wonder what might be behind their sudden and very ‘fast’ new relationship immediately following news of his split from his first wife. He didn’t cheat. But the press didn’t know for many months he was separated.

He Met His Wife At A Club
Bruce Springsteen and his wife, Patti, met at the Stone Pony in the early eighties. She was performing, he enjoyed her music, and she began touring with him. They were possibly going to start a romance when he met his first wife, married her, and then ultimately divorced her in 1988. He managed to convince Patti to come on tour with him again, they fell for one another, and they were married three years later just a year after their first child was born and halfway through her pregnancy with their second child.

He’s from New Jersey
When he was born in New Jersey, his parents kept him there. He grew up there, spent his entire life living there, and even has a home there now. He was raised by his largely unemployed father and his mother, who was the breadwinner in their home. She as a legal secretary who worked very hard to make ends meet for the family while his father worked here and there when he did work. He was a bus driver and a few other things when he did have a job.

He Did Not Attend his High School Graduation
He left his private school at a Catholic school for public school when he was in high school, and he didn’t fit in any better there. He just didn’t do anything that made him a lot of friends, and he spent a lot of time on his own. He enjoyed playing his guitar, and that was something that made him a bit of a loner at the time. He didn’t enjoy school, but he did graduate. However, he did not attend his own graduation because he disliked it so much.

He Tried College
While he wasn’t accepted or invited to any major universities when he finished high school, Bruce Springsteen did go to college. He didn’t graduate, but he did attend and spend some time attempting to try the college thing at a local community college in New Jersey. He decided it really was not for him and he gave it up, though. He left, he worked hard, and he hustled his way into the limelight. We like to say it was the kind of choice that worked out well for him in the meantime.

He Was in A Motorcycle Accident
When he was just a teen, he was injured on a bike. He was riding when an accident occurred, and he walked away with some injuries. He wasn’t seriously injured in any way except for a concussion, and they didn’t know at the time just how bad that could be. That was something he had to deal with, and it was another mark that got him uninvited to join the United States Military when it was his turn to take the physical examination when he was being drafted. It helped him out a bit.

He Tried to Get Into Graceland
He is a huge Elvis Presley fan, and he tried with other fans to get into the superstar singer’s home one night in the seventies. However, he was not able to get in and he was told by security that the star was not in the city that night. We do wonder, however, if he would have been able to meet the King if he’d been home since he was already a famous rocker and known by name across the country. We think there is a chance he might have met this man.

He Spent Years Saving
As his fame grew, so did Bruce Springsteen’s bank account. However, he was not very easy about spending his money. In fact, he simply didn’t. He kept his money in the bank and didn’t do much with it at all. His friends, his fans, and his family were very interested in what he was doing with it since he didn’t seem to buy anything at all exciting, but he did spend some time making up for his lost years spending. He eventually got comfortable with spending his money, and he’s been doing it ever since.

He’s an LGBT Supporter
He’s an old-school rock and roll star, and many people are surprised to learn he is an avid supporter of LGBT rights. He’s always been, though many people are don’t see him as someone who might care about something that’s not too personal to him. He’s been an avid supporter throughout his life, and he makes it very clear he is for his fans, for their rights, and he’s not at all interested in what they do in their personal time. He just likes them for who they are.

He Avoided Being Drafted
When he was just a man who was a teenager fresh out of high school, he was drafted. Vietnam was going on, and he wanted nothing to do with being part of the military. He had no choice, however, and he decided he would stay out and party hard all night with his friends the night before his test. He was hoping the effects of that night of partying would make it certain he would not pass and be drafted. He was right. He wasn’t accepted, and he didn’t fight.

He Writes
Did you know that Bruce Springsteen writes a lot of music? You might know that’s true because he writes his own music, but he doesn’t always keep it. In fact, he has been known to write some seriously amazing songs and then decide they don’t work for him. He has passed on some of the best songs in the world to other bands and singers so they can make money, make songs, and make lyrics famous. He doesn’t seem to mind, though. He keeps making other people famous with his own words.

He Has Successful Kids
Bruce Springsteen and his second wife have three kids. Their eldest is a Boston College graduate who writes his own music. Their middle child, a daughter, is a Duke University graduate, and she is a champion equestrian as well. Their youngest child is a fire fighter. They all did well in their lives, and they all make their father and their mother very proud with all they have accomplished in their short lives being born all three in three years in the early nineties.

He’s Got an Oscar
Not only does Bruce Springsteen have an Oscar for his hit song, “Streets of Philadelphia,” in the nineties, he was also nominated for a second song later. He didn’t win the second time around, but he does have an Academy Award. Considering there are many actors in the world who have spent their entire lives working hard to be award-winning actors without anything to show for it, he’s a singer with one of his own. That’s impressive to say the very least.

A Nun Abused Him
He was stuffed into a trash can when he was in the third grade by a nun at the school he attended. His behavior was so poor at the time that they thought this was the best way to punish him. This was a very long time ago. It was a time when people did more than they do now, got away with a lot more, and it usually worked to get people to change their behavior when they were not acting right. It would be a much different story today.

His College Classmates Didn’t Like Him
Believe it or not, Bruce Springsteen was not a popular kid. When most people don’t even pay attention to the people with whom they attend college, Springsteen was so unpopular among the kids there that they signed a petition to get him to expelled. We have no idea what it was about him that they didn’t like so much, but they didn’t like him. He’s since changed his ways a bit, and now he’s one of the most popular men in the world.

His Nickname’s Origin
He’s been called The Boss for many years, but it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a superstar singer. He actually earned this nickname long before he was a singer with such a famous face. He had to collect money at a nightclub where he worked many years ago, and that’s what people called him when he came to collect the money so he could give it to his own boss. People had to listen when he asked for money, and they called him The Boss as a result.

He Never Had A Number One
Can you believe that the man has been rocking the stage for almost five decades since the seventies, but he’s never had a single reach number one with Billboard? Never. Not even one time. He’s been one of the most consistent, most amazing, most fan-beloved superstars in the rock industry, but he can never quite get his music to get to the top. That doesn’t really seem to have stopped him from being a huge success in his life, however.

He Divorced in the 80s
When he was at the height of his fame in the eighties, he went through a difficult time. His actress wife was not in the picture anymore. The couple made the decision to end their marriage, and it ended up ruining his reputation with many people. He was cranky, irritable, and he lost his mind over the very littlest things that might not go his way. He was not who he was before, and he was not someone people spent much time enjoying at the time. Fortunately, he managed to get it together, and he went back to his old self.