Picking the right bottled water brand has become quite difficult as there are so many brands to choose from, with each having its own taste. Water bottle brands try to make their water taste unique but don’t always make the right choice, as many people prefer neutral-tasting water. So, if you are interested in finding out more about the best-ranked bottled water and why some brands are far superior to others, then you should check out this article that will reveal the best-bottled water brands out there.

Although Dasani is one of the most popular bottled water brands in the world, it has been ranked as one of the worst-tasting as the water contains salt, magnesium sulfate, and potassium chloride, which are things that you shouldn’t find in bottled water. Dasani was created by the Coca-Cola company in the late 1990s and easily became one of the most popular bottled water brands in the world as it was sold everywhere. Still, people started to realize that Dasani actually makes you more thirsty as it contains a large amount of salt. Despite being unpopular, Dasani is still sold everywhere.

Aquafina is another extremely popular bottled water brand that is sold all over the world. Although Aquafina is pretty popular, there are a good amount of people that complain about the taste of the water as it often has a metallic taste. Aquafina is another bottled water brand that adds a lot of minerals and other additives, which gives the water a distinctive taste. There are some people who prefer Aquafina water over other brands. Still, a large majority of people agree that Aquafina is similar to Dasani as they don’t taste like natural spring water.

Evian is a well-known bottled water brand that has been around since the late 1700s. Evian got its name from the region Évian-Les-Bains where the water is harvested, and it is located in eastern France. Evian has always been known as a well-respected bottled water brand as they have always offered the best-tasting water over the years. Sadly, things have changed for Evian as people have found that its water doesn’t taste as good as it used to. Several people have complained that Evian tastes too salty now and agree that the company must have changed its recipe.

Nestlé Pure Life
Nestlé Pure Life is a pretty popular bottled water brand and one of the biggest in the world. Despite being one of the most popular bottled water brands, Nestlé Pure Life is ranked as one of the worst, as studies have found that the water contains a large amount of microplastic particles. Nestlé has been criticized in the past for boiling its water in regions located in South America, which wasn’t the best look for the brand. Nestlé Pure Life also has a weird taste compared to other bottled water brands, which has led people to think that Nestlé adds several unnatural minerals.

Dannon Spring
Dannon Spring bottled water is a brand that you just don’t see that often in stores as the brand isn’t as big as it was back in the day. The bottled water brand suffered from scrutiny after it was revealed that its water was full of taste additives and was only good for quenching your thirst. Dannon Spring is ranked as one of the worst bottled water brands, as people find its water to taste funky, and that is one of the main reasons why you just don’t see the bottled water brand in stores. So this is one brand to stay away from.

Poland Spring
Poland Spring is one of the most popular brands of bottled water on the east coast of the United States. Poland Spring is produced in Poland, Maine, and is enjoyed by millions of people, especially residents of New York City. Poland Spring water has mixed reviews as half the people think that it is the best-tasting drinking water while the other half agree that it doesn’t taste right. Despite having mixed reviews, Poland Spring is pretty popular and is enjoyed by millions of people. Poland Spring has been around since the mid-1800s, and it doesn’t look like they are going away anytime soon.

Propel Fitness Water
Propel Fitness Water was one of the most popular flavored water brands to come out in the United States. The brand was first introduced in 2000 and was pretty unique as there were not many brands that offered people flavored water with vitamins. Propel Fitness Water has received mixed reviews over the years as some people find that it tastes too salty and has a metallic flavor. But on the other hand, others find that it tastes great and are impressed with the number of vitamins that are in each bottled water. Propel Fitness Water is a great way to replenish your thirst.

Ice Mountain Spring Water
Ice Mountain Spring Water is a brand of bottled water that is most popular in the Midwest of the United States. The water is taken from two underground wells located in Michigan, which have come under some controversy as the water is being taken from the Great Lakes. Ice Mountain Spring Water has mixed reviews among its consumers as some people find the water to be the most neutral-tasting bottled water, while other people have complained that the water tastes as if it comes from a metal pipe. Despite having mixed reviews, Ice Mountain Spring Water is still the most popular bottled water brand in the Midwest.

Icelandic Glacial
Icelandic Glacial bottled water might have one of the best-looking plastic water bottles, but it has mixed reviews among its consumers. The bottled water brand gets its water from Ölfus Spring in Iceland and is one of the most popular bottled water brands in the world. Icelandic Glacial stands out from the rest of the bottled water brands as it has a higher pH level and a distinctive taste. Some people have complained that Icelandic Glacial’s water tastes pretty bitter if you drink it at room temperature, while others agree that Icelandic Glacial offers some of the best drinking water in the world.

Glacéau Smartwater
Glacéau Smartwater has become one of the most popular brands of bottled water and one of the most favored in comparison to the other brands. Smartwater has one of the largest plastic water bottles and contains electrolytes to help replenish your energy. Smartwater has mixed reviews as there is a good amount of people that don’t enjoy the taste, but there are still a good amount of people that insist that Smartwater is better for you than other brands of bottled water. People have come to notice that it is better to let it sit for a couple of minutes after opening it before you drink it, as it will taste better.

Core Hydration
Core Hydration is another popular brand of bottled water that has a unique plastic bottle that is hard to forget. Core Hydration insists that they offer the best-balanced water to purchase but still has mixed reviews among its consumers. Core Hydration contains a higher pH balance, electrolytes, and minerals which makes this water taste unique among the other brands. Core Hydration has mixed reviews as people tend to find the water to taste a bit bitter if it is at room temperature. Most people tend to enjoy Core Hydration when it is freezing cold as it goes down better.

LIFEWTR has become one of the most popular brands of bottled water as the company features several different artists who create new designs every couple of months. LIFEWTR found a great way to market its water as people have started to collect these plastic bottles for its artwork. LIFEWTR has mixed reviews, with most of them liking the neutral taste of the water. Some people have found that LIFEWTR doesn’t really taste good and really depends on your preference. So if you are someone who likes neutral-tasting water and also is a fan of art, then this should be your next choice of bottled water.

Crystal Geyser
Crystal Geyser Alpine Spring Water is another popular brand of bottled water that is sourced from Calistoga, California. The company was created in the 1970s and became one of the biggest bottled water brands as people tend to like the taste of the water. Over the years, Crystal Geyser has received mixed reviews as some people find that it tastes too much like sodium, while others agree that it is the best water in the world to drink. Despite having mixed reviews, Crystal Geyser is still pretty popular. The company was also the first to announce a recycling program for its plastic bottles.

Deer Park Spring Water
Deer Park Spring Water is most popular in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States and has mixed reviews from its consumers. The brand of bottled water is known for being spring water that has been filtered several times and has a distinctive taste. Although Deer Park Spring Water is pretty popular in the region, it has mixed reviews as people tend to find that the taste of the water just isn’t right, while other people agree that it is the best-tasting bottled water in the region. One thing is for certain, Deer Park has a unique name.

Penta Water
Penta Water is ranked among one of the best non-spring bottled water brands, as people love the taste and body of the water. Penta Water was created by Bill Holloway, who was suffering from Fibromyalgia. His son Mike ended up coming up with a formula to purify water on accident and told his dad to give it a try. Amazingly, Bill’s condition was a bit more manageable, and he was able to live a normal life which led him to make Penta Water available to everyone. Consumers tend to agree that Penta Water is the best-bottled water as it completely refreshes you.

Boxed Water
Boxed Water is pretty strange looking as it looks like a carton of milk, but people have sworn that Boxed Water is one of the healthiest and best-tasting. Several people agree that Boxed Water tastes more natural and doesn’t taste like plastic, as the company agrees that plastic is the main reason why bottled water tastes funky. Boxed Water is ranked among one of the best tasting and refreshing as there is nothing that is added to the water, and it is only filtered a couple of times so that all the natural minerals are not taken out.

Ethos Water
Ethos Water is another highly-ranked bottled water brand that is sold by Starbucks, which is quite surprising as most coffee shop water isn’t the best tasting and is usually overpriced. Ethos Water not only tastes good, but Starbucks donates five cents of your purchase to a charity that helps coffee-growing communities around the world. Ethos Water is highly liked by its consumers as they find that it tastes amazing and is quite refreshing. Every water bottle brand should look at Ethos Water for guidance as they really know how to make some clean and refreshing drinking water.

Cisowianka Water
Cisowianka Water is a Polish bottled water brand that is quite popular around the world, especially in the United States. Cisowianka Water is said to taste very clean as the company’s recipe doesn’t contain any sodium whatsoever, which has led some people not to like the way the water tastes. This has led Cisowianka Water to have mixed reviews from its consumers as some people find that it is the best tasting and cleanest drinking water, while others think that the water is too bland and needs more minerals. This is one brand of bottled water that you should try for yourself.

Arrowhead Water
Arrowhead Water is considered one of the worst to drink despite its reputation that it had from the past. The water is sourced from 13 different springs that are located in the western part of the United States. The bottled water brand is one of the biggest on the west coast and was highly respected back in the day, but things have changed dramatically. People find Arrowhead Water to taste a bit funky and that it doesn’t taste as it did back in the day. Most people agree that they would rather drink another brand of water as Arrowhead Water tastes off.

Acqua Panna
Acqua Panna is ranked among one of the best-bottled water brands as its quality stands out from the rest. Acqua Panna has been around since the late 1800s and is sourced from Tuscany, Italy. Acqua Panna water is considered one of the cleanest as the water is filtered through 14 years of bedrock before it is bottled by the company. There isn’t much to complain about Acqua Panna water as it is very refreshing, full of natural minerals, and the best-tasting drinking water in the world. Acqua Panna water can feel quite thick if you drink it at room temperature, so it is best to drink it chilled.

Zephyrhills Water
Zephyrhills water is a bottled water brand that is sold in Florida and is considered to be one of the best cheaper bottled water brands on the market. Zephyrhills gathers its water from several natural springs that are filtered by limestone and are located in Florida. The only downside about Zephyrhills water is the plastic bottles that the company uses, as they are not the most durable. Despite having a flimsy water bottle, Zephyrhills water is considered to be one of the most refreshing and best-tasting in the state of Florida, and the best thing about it is that the water is quite affordable.

Essentia Water
Essentia is a pretty popular brand of bottled water that has popped up all over the country as they offer some of the best-tasting pH-balanced drinking water. The bottled water brand labels its water as ionized alkaline water that is full of electrolytes and is meant to be the best-tasting purified water. Essentia is another bottled water brand considered to be highly ranked, as its water tastes clean and smooth while leaving you as refreshed as possible. Essentia water can be quite expensive, but it is worth every dollar as it is very good drinking water.

Voss Water
Voss has one of the sleekest-looking water bottles as it is made out of glass. Voss water is ranked among the best as it tastes like what purified water should taste like. Voss is proud to say that they are carbon neutral as all of its water bottles are made out of glass. Voss water is pretty popular worldwide as people have come to like the refreshing taste of its drinking water. Voss offers its consumers both still and sparking water and has become one of the most recognizable bottled water brands in the world.