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There are a lot of dangerous animals you should not keep as pets, and there are different reasons for all of them. One of the underlying reasons though is simple: they’re wild animals. Trying to domesticate a wild animal isn’t just tough, it’s ill-advised since nature usually fights back in a variety of ways.

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People have claimed that wolf cubs are great pets, but the unfortunate truth is that trying to overcome nature is tough. A wolf is a born predator, and an apex predator, meaning their instinct is to hunt and kill. This creates a huge problem anywhere but the open country.

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If you learned anything from watching the Tiger King documentary on Netflix it’s this: tigers are dangerous animals you should not keep as pets. They’re beautiful and regal, but they’re also wild and born to stalk and hunt their prey, which could include humans.

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It’s easy to find documentaries and videos showcasing individuals who have adopted bear cubs. Unfortunately, this doesn’t take into account the fact that these furry titans are still wild animals. One way or another, nature will kick in if a person’s level of commitment wavers just a little.

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Yes, they’re big, furry cats. But they’re also big cats who hunt to survive and without guidance, their instincts will kick in and they’ll give chase and kill whatever looks like food. Have you ever heard of a vegan apex predator?

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It’s not just that elephants eat a ton, need a lot of space to wander, and are unpredictable at times. It’s also the fact that like many animals they do possess a certain amount of intelligence, and domesticating them is not advised, or even fair to the animal.

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Not only is it nearly impossible to replicate the necessary environment to promote their health, but hippos are notoriously unpredictable. They’re also fiercely territorial and would pose a serious risk to any human.

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It’s true, some folks do keep various types of monkeys as pets. But apart from being a huge commitment to take on, various monkeys are way too aggressive and some can carry various diseases that are deadly to human beings.

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There are several reasons why having a crocodile as a pet isn’t a good idea. They need the right environment, diet, and conditions to survive, and it’s not fair to the crocodile if these needs aren’t met. Plus, it’s not wise for a human to trust a wild animal that can turn on them without warning.

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Quite a few people have snakes as pets. A lot of them even think that the snake feels as much affection for them as they do the reptile. If the snake is small enough that’s an easy feeling to cultivate, but for bigger snakes, well, it’s easy to think that they’re sizing up their owners as a meal.

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Regarded as trash pandas by some, raccoons have achieved pet status with some folks who have a big heart. Unfortunately, those raccoons that become pets are outliers, not the rule.

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Some folks might want to state that animals will show affection if treated right. Those are the folks who are taking their lives into their own hands. After the first kick from a kangaroo, a lot of people might think otherwise when looking at these animals as pets.

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Does it require someone to point out the obvious as to why a gorilla is not a pet? These majestic creatures are often seen as gentle in documentaries, but keep in mind that when they turn aggressive, most humans can’t stand up to them.

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This should stand out as one of the most obvious no-nos when thinking about making a wild animal a pet. It’s not just the stink they can produce, it’s the fact that their temperament isn’t conducive to a safe or even happy home.

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You’ve likely seen people nursing a deer that’s found in the wild, alone, or keeping one as a pet. There’s plenty wrong with this since wild animals aren’t easy to domesticate, and in some instances, it should never happen. Plus, during mating season these creatures get a little testy.

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Anyone who has little animals needs to stay away from hawks. Birds of prey, especially those who can carry off anything smaller than them, are always best left in the wild.