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If you’re looking for love, it might be that you’re actually looking in all the wrong places. I mean, literally; you might literally be looking in all the wrong places. Did you know that there are cities in the US that are more ‘singles’ friendly than others? It can be difficult to find love somewhere in which the number of singles available is low, and it can be a challenge to do anything if you’re living somewhere with a high cost of living. With that in mind, we thought we’d clue in our singles on the best places to live to find love all while ensuring your bank account continues to look good. Read on to find out which cities are the best for singles in terms of love and finance.

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Greenville, South Carolina
There is something magical about the south. The people have heavy accents and long drawls, great dispositions and friendly ways. Slow front porch rocking, sweet tea drinking and beautiful weather just makes you happier. And the cost of living here is nice; it’s not expensive, but you get a lot for a little. It’s also a great place for you to meet a nice southern man or woman with serious manners and probably a mama that raised him or her right.

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Mesa, Arizona
Warm, dry weather and beautiful sunsets pretty much make this city worth everything you’ll pay to live here. The good news is that you’re not paying all that much to live here, so it’s even more worth it. Mesa is a western city with a lot to offer, it’s healthy and there is not much in terms of expensive options when it comes to living here. Add to that the growing number of singles in the area and you have a recipe for easy living and lots of love connections.

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Tacoma, Washington
Tacoma is one of those places that is underrated. No one considers a place this far north worth it, but the weather here is beyond beautiful during the summer and white Christmases are always worth every second. It’s the kind of place you go to live and enjoy, and the cost of living here is very low. There’s a lot going on in the entertainment department, took which is always a bit of surprise for those not from around here.

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Indianapolis, Indiana
With plenty of jobs, a good selection of neighborhoods and a surprisingly active nightlife scene, you will get a lot more than you bargain for when you head to Indianapolis. It’s the kind of location that begs you to say since it’s so inexpensive in terms of cost of living, but it’s also one of the cities in which you will find the most to do and enjoy.

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
It might not be known for being the place to meet other singles, but there are plenty of single people living here thanks to the stable job market and low cost of living. You get the benefit of living in a gorgeous city in a lovely area, plenty of extracurricular activities that involve you getting outside and getting active (hello, good health) and a low cost of living. It’s a great place to meet other people and to continue your singledom.

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Grand Rapids, Michigan
It might not sound like the most glamorous place on earth, but the cost of living is cheap and the dates are, too. For singles, this is a great city. It has a lot to offer in terms of affordable living, and it ranks among the cheapest places to go on dates in the country. If a cheap date is not precisely what you are after, I don’t know what is.

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Reno, Nevada
Not quite Las Vegas, this is a great place for people who want to live in this area but not pay too much. It’s got an active nightlife, a lot of available jobs and a good economy. The people living here appreciate the low cost of living and the ability to go out and have fun even on a tight budget without breaking the bank.

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The Midwest is the place to be for singles looking for love and an affordable place to live. Centrally located to the rest of the country, you get the benefit of short flights anywhere you want to go, cheap housing and a stable job market. This means you’ll be just fine living on your own around here and if love does come your way, you’ll be even more okay.

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St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis is actually one of the most dangerous cities in the country with its high crime rate and excessive drug use. However, that also makes it one of the most affordable. If you can keep yourself out of the sketchy areas of town and not go out at night by yourself, you might find that living here is worth the very little bit of money it costs, and it might help you decide to live life in the city.
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Little Rock, Arkansas
It’s the former home of the Clinton family, and it’s just as southern as it gets around here. You’ll find heavy accents and sweet natured residents, Piggly Wiggly’s and a lot of down home country cooking – which is the best. It’s also affordable and lovely, and the cost of living is just downright cheap in comparison to other areas of the country.

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Tucson, Arizona
This lovely city has a lot to offer. It has great weather. It has wonderful people and there is a lot to do. It’s a healthy city with much to consider in terms of activity, and it’s one of those areas in which you will find that more and more people are moving here to live and work all the time. It’s what makes it such a wonderful place to live.

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Huntsville, Alabama
It’s not a big city by any means, but it is affordable and it’s a nice place to live if you are a single who prefers a little bit of slowness and relaxation. It’s a happy place because there is not much in terms of over the top big city living, and there is plenty of country charm. It’s also affordable and there are a surprising number of singles around here that will float your boat.

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Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha has a strong job market, a number of major corporations housed in the city and a low cost of living in comparison to the rest of the world. Additionally, singles find that dating here is far less expensive thanks to the price of meals and drinks in public locations, and it gives residents the feel of living in a big city without the same cost as living in a big city.

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Cincinnati, Ohio
Ohio is a lovely place to live if you like things a little bit simpler, you love seasons and you’re looking to make a decent living that won’t be eaten up by exorbitant living costs. Houses and rent here are less expensive than they are in many other parts of the country, and this means you’re going to be able to live comfortably – and eventually find someone to love.

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Chattanooga, Tennessee
The cost of living in Chattanooga is a lot lower than the national average, and many of the things that singles find they spend their money on come in pretty low on the list of things that cost a lot. It’s the most inexpensive city in the country for an evening out, with dinner and drinks for two cost an average of only $78, which is far lower than it is anywhere else in the country.

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Knoxville, Tennessee
It’s one of the most affordable cities in the country thanks to a low cost of living. The median family income here is a bit lower than it might be in other parts of the country, but the cost of living is also lower here. Even though you might make less money living in Knoxville than you would in, say, New York City, you’re also paying a lot less to live here, which means that your smaller income is going a lot farther for you than a bigger income elsewhere.

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Jackson, Mississippi
It’s considered the least healthy state in the country, but the cost of a gym membership in Jackson is only $25 per month, so let that serve as your inspiration to live here on the cheap and get fit. The cost of living here is very inexpensive. In fact, it’s one of the least expensive locations in the country, which makes it affordable for singles.

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Memphis, Tennessee
Memphis has a great nightlife scene, a great variety of neighborhoods and the feeling of living in a slightly bigger city with a small town feel. It’s a country music mecca and it’s one of those places that doesn’t cost much, but offers something for everyone in terms of entertainment and lifestyle. It’s southern enough to be pretty perfect, but north enough to have seasons.

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
If you’re looking for fun, sun and a lot of outdoor living in your single life, this is the place for you. There is so much going on here that you won’t have time to remember that you’re single. The good news is that you can afford to do it all since the cost of living here is beyond low and the income here is actually comparable to other areas of the country. It’s a win-win situation all the way around.

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Stockton, California
Living in California is not exactly cheap, but Stockton does top the list as one of the least expensive areas in the state in which to live. The cost of living here is much lower than it is in the rest of the state, but you also have to consider a higher crime rate in return. It’s close enough to San Francisco to enjoy big city fun without paying the price, and there are plenty of job opportunities this close to Silicon Valley.