Congratulations to those actually interested enough in eating nachos from a trash can to click on this article – even if I suspect most of you are merely morbidly curious. It’s true; you can make nachos in a trash can and they can be delicious. I mean, I’ve never done it myself but Guy Fieri, the amazing Food Network chef, did it. And if he can do it and people love it, it must be good (yes, I realize this is prime “If he jumped off a bridge, would you do it, too,” material). But when Guy Fieri does something big and bold, such as making his nachos in a garbage can, it’s got to be good. He’s a pro and he’s good at what he does. And we think that if he says nachos in a trash can are good enough for him, they’re probably good enough for all of us. And the good news is that anyone cooking for a large crowd can do this at home, and it’s not even considered dangerous. That’s all that matters.
During the event in which Fieri was cooking for a big crowd, he had to figure out how to make his dish. The only thing that seemed even remotely reasonable was a trash can, and that’s awesome. He used many different cheeses (three types), carne asada, and other ingredients commonly found in nachos. He put everything in a trash can and then prepared it all before dumping it on a giant plate and serving it to onlookers. While we didn’t get to taste it ourselves, we are pretty sure they were amazing nachos. Additionally, we are all pretty certain that despite the fact that no official word was given, the superstar chef used a brand new, very clean trash can for his cooking endeavor.
Photo by Harry How/Getty Images