What could be more perfect than a cupcake that looks like a graduation cap for a graduation party? With colleges, high schools and even kindergarteners graduating left and right this time of year, you have the perfect excuse to head to the kitchen and show off your amazing creativity to all your friends and family members. This amazing graduation cupcake recipe is sure to impress even the biggest cupcake fans.
What You’ll Need
This recipe is so simple it’s probably cheating. What you’ll need is a box of white cake mix (vegetable oil, water and eggs as listed on the back of the box), a container of white frosting, graham crackers, chocolate to melt, a jelly bean and chewy fruit rolls.
To Make
The first step is to make your cupcakes. Follow the instructions the back of the box of cake mix you purchased. You can make your cake really white by following the instructions that eliminate the yolk or you can make them somewhat yellow using the yolk. It’s your discretion. Bake your cupcakes and let them cool completely.
Once your cupcakes are completely cooled, remove the wrapper from around the sides. It’s important to use the wrapper so that the cupcakes get that nice lined look. Don’t skip the wrapper! The next step is to cut the top off the cupcake so that it’s one level. Place the cupcake upside down on a tray and get started with the decorations.
To Decorate
Start by applying a thin layer of frosting to the bottom of the cupcake (which is facing up). Leave it there. Melt your chocolate. Break some graham crackers in half to make a square and dip each square into the chocolate. Let the chocolate-dipped crackers sit on some parchment paper until they dry. Next, place one square on top of each frosted cupcake.
Stick a jelly bean into some frosting so that it’s frosted on one side only. Place the frosted side down in the center of your graham cracker. You can add a little tassel to your graduation cupcakes by maneuvering a chewy fruit roll into one. Use one long strand to connect to several short ones to form a tassel and your masterpiece is complete.
(Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images for Miu Miu)