If you’ve ever tried to add a shelf to your wall, you know that they are expensive. If you want to stay on budget you have to buy something that looks cheap and plastic and makes you a little sick to your stomach. But when you spend a lot of money on shelves that look a little bit more like high-quality items, you feel a little sick to your stomach because they are so small and simple; and for that price you should get a lot more wall storage. That’s why DIY shelves have become so popular. These are the hacks and the ideas that get you motivated to make your own shelves out of things you have around the house as well as items you never thought could actually be used as shelving. It’s far less expensive to make your own shelves, and it’s also a lot chicer in many instances. We have a few suggestions we found online – mainly perusing the amazing site that is Pinterest – that can help you create shelves in your own home that are affordable and kind of genius. We do wish we could take credit, but we can’t, so we’re going to just share what we found and hope that counts for something.
Corner Shelves
If you have an old magazine holder, you can affix it to the wall with a few screws in a corner to create stackable corner shelving. It is the perfect answer to a child’s playroom or another awkward space that needs a shelf but doesn’t need what you can find in a store.
Book Shelves
We love this concept because it’s actual books turned into shelves. Just choose your favorite (hard back) titles and place them on top of fitted brackets on the wall with the spine facing outward and stack your favorite momentos on top. It’s perfect for a library, children’s play room or office.
Ladder Shelves
An old wooden ladder with shelves placed on the steps can create the perfect ladder shelf. We love this idea because you can get as creative as you want and make sure you have something entirely custom made without spending hundreds on the ones you find at Pottery Barn.
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images