Furniture is so expensive, and it’s often hard for people to part with their hard earned money to buy a coffee table that’ll end up scratched, dented and lined with rings thanks to careless children and guests. What’s awesome about coffee tables, however, is the fact that they are so easy to make. Really, you don’t even have to be creative. All you need to create a fabulous DIY coffee table is a Pinterest account and the desire to head to your nearest craft store or home improvement store to pick up a few simple materials.
Our favorite DIY coffee table is made out of a wooden pallet; yes, that thing you can get virtually anywhere in the world for next to nothing or even free if you know where to look. And yes, you can create an entire coffee table at home using a simple DIY method that will make your home look that much more chic and rustic, which is a great combination in the here and now.
We aren’t construction experts here, but we suggest that you can make this even if you’ve never made anything in your life. You’re going to need some stain or paint, the brushes that go with those, some screws, a drill and four wheels or “feet” to create the bottom of your coffee table. You’ll also need two pallets. Really, it’s that simple. And all of these things can be found at the local home improvement store in a matter of minutes.
What to Do
Bring home your pallets and sand them down if they’re not already. Then stain them or paint them. We don’t give advice about that because each kind of stain and paint is a little different, so just read the instructions that come with them or ask someone at the local home improvement store to give you a few ideas when it comes to using them.
Let everything dry and then get started. You’ll first want to put your pallets upside down on a flat surface. Then you’ll place one on top of the other so that they’re perfectly aligned, and screw or nail them together in the corners so that they’re attached. From there, you’ll do the same thing with the feet or wheels you purchased for the bottom. Again, these have instructions of their own depending on what you purchase, so it’s a good idea to carefully read those.
Flip your new table upside down, park it on the porch or patio or the family room and enjoy. Decorate it with a few decorative trays, some flowers or some great table books. You can do whatever you want. You can even add a piece of custom glass to the top for a little bit of an elegant appearance.
Photos by Instagram