Creative DIY Plant Markers For Your Spring Garden


Planting a garden is so much fun, especially in the spring. Being that my thumb is perpetually brown, it’s not something I ever did until about two years ago. For the longest time we hired people to care for our landscaping and then our oldest daughter, who was 5 at the time, asked me if we could buy gardening gloves and plant our own flowers. Taken aback, I told her yes. We could try our hand at gardening. I’ll do anything that teaches my kids a beautiful lesson and that allows us to spend more time together, and why should I allow my own lack of gardening ability to determine my daughter’s gardening future? So, off to the store we went for gloves and flowers and accessories. We had a few hits and a few misses, and two years later we are planting a new garden at our new home. We’re much better at it now; and I’m proud to say my brown thumb is less brown and more of a yellowish-green at the moment. One of the things we noticed about gardening is the plant markers that come with your flowers; they’re ugly and they’re gross. So we’ve been making our own (another DIY moment and project we get to share) and they’re so much more fun! We have a few fun ideas you can use for your own plant markers.

Popsicle Sticks

My little girl loves to paint popsicle sticks and then write the names of flowers on them. It’s a fun concept and we do this every year. She picks her favorite colors, we paint and then she writes. She’s perfecting her handwriting and her art skills, and we’re doing something together.

Wooden Spoons

Another favorite of mine is the wooden spoon theory. We buy a bunch of cheap wooden spoons, paint them fun colors and then write the names and care instructions for our plants on them. It’s fun and fearless, and we love to bury them and then see them; it’s fun.


How about a rock hunt? We like to go out and find the prettiest, flattest and most beautiful rocks and seashells we can (since living by the ocean makes this more of a reality than rocks). We then write on them and place them in our garden. It’s pretty, natural and it’s very much a fun activity for the entire family to enjoy.

We’ve even included a video with some ideas and tips.

Photo by Cate Gillon/Getty Images


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