Shred a Photo of Your Ex at Hooters and Get Free Wings


We know, we know – you only go for the wings, right? If you love free chicken wings, Hooters and definitely not your Ex, you are the perfect person for this amazing new giveaway from Hooters. Sunday is Valentine’s Day, and we know that there are plenty of things that all the single ladies (and gentlemen) might rather do than sit around watching all their coupled up friends express their love and happiness. Social media accounts will be overflowing with chocolates, flowers and little blue boxes that are filled with all things sparkly. It’s enough to make you feel a little sick to your stomach if you’re single.

However, there’s a way you can have someone bring you something amazing this Valentine’s Day. All you have to do is take a photo of your ex to Hooters and allow the restaurant to shred the photo for you and they’ll give you 10 free chicken wings with the purchase of 10 wings. That’s a nice deal; even if you are on a date. Why not take your ex photos to your local Hooters with your girlfriends, your guy friends or your actual significant other and get some free wings? Saving money is a nice gift to give to someone else on a day of love, you know.

The rules are simple; take a photo of your ex into the restaurant. Cut it up into a million cathartic pieces and allow the restaurant to go ahead and enjoy the benefits of getting over it. Free wings are nice, and you can get them online, too. Just upload a photo of your ex to the Hooters website and allow them to destroy the photo and print out your coupon for free wings. This offer is only available on Valentine’s Day and that means it’s time to act on your desire to burn your ex for something amazing.

Photo Credit – Getty Images 


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