10 Ways to Keep Mice Out of Your Home

mouse chewing wire
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Are unwelcome guests scurrying around your home, leaving droppings in their wake and gnawing through your belongings? If so, you’re not alone. Mice infestations are a common household problem, especially during colder months when these rodents seek warmth and shelter indoors. But fear not! With a proactive approach and a few simple strategies, you can effectively keep mice out of your living space and maintain a pest-free environment.

Install Door Sweeps and Screens

door with sweep
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Mice can slip through even the smallest gaps beneath doors, so installing door sweeps and screens can help block off potential entry points. Make sure that doors and windows are properly sealed, and consider adding metal mesh screens to vents and chimneys to prevent mice from gaining access through these openings.

Locate and Seal Possible Entryways

mouse entrway
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

To locate and seal possible entryways for mice in your home, conduct a thorough inspection for gaps around pipes, vents, doors, and windows. Seal openings with steel wool, caulking, or expanding foam, and ensure tight-fitting screens on doors and windows. Trim vegetation near your home and maintain sealings regularly. Consider traps or professional help for severe infestations.

Ensure All Food Including Your Pet’s Is Properly Sealed

food in containers
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Mice are attracted to easily accessible food sources, and leaving food exposed increases the likelihood of attracting them. Even small amounts of spilled pet food or crumbs can serve as a significant attractant for mice. By properly sealing all food containers, you eliminate potential food sources that could entice mice into your home. Additionally, sealed containers not only deter mice but also help maintain food freshness and quality, reducing the risk of contamination or spoilage.

Invest in Essential Oils

woman using essential oil
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Using essential oils at home can effectively deter mice due to their strong and often unpleasant scents that mice find repulsive. Certain essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and citronella, contain compounds that mice find irritating to their sensitive noses. By strategically placing cotton balls soaked in these essential oils near potential entry points or areas where mice frequent, you create a natural barrier that can discourage them from entering your home.

Adopt a Cat

cat hunting mouse
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Cats are skilled predators and are known for their ability to catch and kill mice. The presence of a cat in the household can create a deterrent effect on mice, as they perceive the risk of being hunted by a predator. The scent of a cat alone may also be enough to discourage mice from entering the home. Plus, cats are territorial animals, and their presence can mark your home as their territory, further deterring mice from intruding.

Keep Your Home As Clean As Possible

house cleaning supplies
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Mice are attracted to crumbs, spills, and food residues left out in the open. By regularly cleaning up food crumbs, properly storing food in sealed containers, and promptly fixing any leaks or spills, you eliminate the enticing environment that attracts mice. On top of that, clutter and debris provide hiding spots for mice to nest and breed. Maintaining a clutter-free environment reduces hiding places and makes it more difficult for mice to establish themselves in your home. Regular cleaning also helps identify and address any potential entry points.

Consider Electronic Mice Repellent 

Electronic Mice Repellent 
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

These devices emit high-frequency sound waves that are unpleasant for mice but often undetectable to humans and pets. By placing electronic repellents strategically throughout your home, particularly near entry points or areas prone to mouse activity, you create a deterrent barrier that can discourage mice from entering or residing in your living space. Unlike traditional traps or poisons, electronic repellents do not pose any harm to humans, pets, or the environment.

Keep Trees and Bushes Trimmed

yard with bushes and trees
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Overgrown vegetation provides mice with easy access to your home’s exterior, allowing them to climb onto roofs or walls and find entry points. When you regularly trim trees and bushes, particularly those near the foundation or walls of your home, you eliminate these natural pathways and reduce the likelihood of mice gaining access. In addition, trimmed vegetation reduces hiding spots and minimizes the shelter available to mice near your home, making it less inviting for them to inhabit the area.

Properly Seal All Trash Cans

small stainless steel trash can
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Keeping trash cans properly sealed is crucial for preventing mice in your home because open trash cans not only provide easy access to food sources for mice but also can serve as potential nesting sites. Mice may seek refuge in trash cans, especially if they contain food waste or other organic materials that can provide nesting material. Securely sealing trash cans with tight-fitting lids allows you to eliminate access to food and reduce the availability of nesting sites, thereby discouraging mice from establishing themselves near your home.

Ensure Window and Door Screens Are In Tact 

screen door with hole
Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com

Mice can exploit even the smallest openings in screens to gain access to your home. By maintaining screens that are free of tears, holes, or gaps, you create a barrier that effectively blocks mice from entering through windows and doors. This simple yet effective measure helps to safeguard your home against unwanted intruders while still allowing for proper ventilation.


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