15 Friendliest Cat Breeds That Make The Best Pets

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Thinking about bringing a furry buddy into your family? You might be wondering which cat breeds are the friendliest. While cats sometimes get a reputation for being independent and a bit aloof, there are plenty of breeds that are super social and love to cuddle. Check out these 15 cat breeds that make awesome pets.


Kanashi Cy – Unsplash

Ragdolls are famous for their beautiful blue eyes and soft, fluffy coats. They are like the dogs of the cat world – they love following their humans around and are big fans of playing fetch. These cats are super chill and gentle, making them perfect for families with kids and other pets.


Nirzar Pangarkar – Unsplash

Siamese cats stand out with their striking color points and almond-shaped blue eyes. They are really smart and love playing with toys that get them thinking. Siamese cats are known for being super chatty and forming close bonds with their owners, and they do not want to be left alone.

Maine Coon

Sergei Wing – Unsplash

Maine Coons are the gentle giants of the cat world, known for their big size, fluffy ears, and bushy tails. They are friendly and get along great with kids and other pets. Plus, they have a quirky love for water and might even join you for a shower!

Scottish Fold

Sergey Semin – Unsplash

Scottish Folds are easy to spot with their unique folded ears, which give them an owl-like look. This friendly breed loves hanging out with its owners and is super affectionate. It is the perfect pet for anyone who loves cozy cuddles. These playful cats might surprise you with their love for toys and laser pointers.


Aung Moe OO – Unsplash

Burmese cats are medium-sized with sleek coats and deep golden eyes. They are full of energy and keep their playful kitten vibes well into adulthood. Burmese cats thrive on attention and affection, making them great pals for active families. They love spending time with their family. You will not get much privacy when they are around.


Bastian Pudill – Unsplash

Birmans are the ones with silky coats and stunning blue eyes. They are extremely gentle and loving, and form bonds with their owners. They love cuddling and will be equally affectionate towards you. Birmans are pretty quiet but enjoy playing and exploring. They are great with kids and other pets, making them excellent family companions.


Erin Agius – Unsplash

Sphynx cats are known for their unique hairless look, but they actually have a fine layer of fuzz. These cats are so much fun to be around. They are full of energy and love to cuddle, sometimes even showing off their acrobatic tricks. Sphynx cats are social butterflies and love being the center of attention.


Bodi Raw – Unsplash

Bengals are beautiful cats that adore being around people. They are friendly and loving, getting along great with adults, kids, and other pets. Bengals have unique personalities—they love exploring and are quick learners. They might not be the type to sit in your lap all the time, but they do enjoy being close to their human family.


Stefan Ivanov – Unsplash

Persians are the ones with extra-long, luxurious coats and the sweetest personalities. They are quiet and low-maintenance, just happy to just sit and be admired. But remember, they need regular grooming to keep their coats looking good. They also make a perfect pet for anyone looking for a relaxed and cuddly pet. 


Valdemar Kostenko – Unsplash

Abyssinians are known for their slender bodies and unique ticked coats. Super active and curious, these cats are always on the lookout for a new adventure. You will love their affectionate demeanor with their families, and they simply love playing interactive games. But they are also quite the attention seekers and get bored easily if not interacted with.

Exotic Shorthair

Dan Wayman – Unsplash

Exotic Shorthairs look a lot like Persians but with shorter, easier-to-care-for coats. They are playful and affectionate, often acting like kittens even when they are grown up. Exotic Shorthairs are perfect for anyone who loves the Persian look but wants a lower-maintenance cat. They prefer being alone and, hence, are less clingy.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Simon Kim – Unsplash

Norwegian Forest Cats are known for their large size and thick, water-resistant coats. Yes, we said water resistant. These cats love their independence but are equally affectionate towards their families. They are good climbers and enjoy having high perches to explore their surroundings. These cats are best suited for big families and their patients with kids.

Devon Rex

Transly Translation Agency – Unsplash

Devon Rex cats have a unique appearance, with large ears, slender bodies, and curly coats. If you want a cat that is affectionate, caring and also playful, this is it. These cats often engage in silly antics to entertain their families. Devon Rex cats are social and enjoy being part of the family, often following their owners from room to room.


Alexander Raissis – Unsplash

Looking for a cat that is super friendly, loving, and always by your side? Then you have to check out the Bombay cat. They look like mini panthers with their sleek black fur, but do not let that fool you – they are total homebodies. Bombays are pretty clingy in nature. They love being the center of attention. 

American Shorthair

Jennifer Griffin – Unsplash

These cats are a popular choice for families looking for a friendly and easygoing cat. Although their strong and muscular body gives them a tough appearance, they are actually super relaxed and laid-back, making them great buddies for both adults and kids. They are playful and fun-loving and are known to be low-maintenance cat breeds.


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