You might be surprised to learn which creatures wreak the most havoc, state by state. Most won’t bother you if you don’t bother them but don’t get too comfortable with that idea. And don’t get too close. Many of these animals won’t make themselves known until you’re already at an unsafe distance. Every year, deer and flying insects are responsible for the most injuries and deaths in North America. But there are plenty more worth watching out for. If you’re planning a trip to any of the 50 states, it helps to know what dangerous animal might be in your midst. In fact, it could save your life.
Alabama: Dogs
In the great state of Alabama, the CDC’s report lists dog attacks as the most likely cause of animal-related death. That remains the case year after year. While many don’t want to believe that their best friend could cause harm or even a tragedy, it’s known to happen more often than you think. Dogs rank highly in the United States as one of the most dangerous animals around. You’ll see them more than once on this list. In the Cotton State, dogs that make America’s most vicious list, like pit bulls and Rottweilers, are a dime a dozen, and sometimes set free to roam when their owners don’t want trouble.
Alaska: Moose
Have you ever seen a moose in person? One look at this massive creature and you will have no doubt who would win in a fight. It’s their sheer size that makes them so dangerous in Alaska. Moose are frequently hit by cars on the highway, often causing damage to all involved. In a ten-year span, there were 17 moose-related crashes that ended fatally. Eighty-one of those crashes resulted in major injuries. While not typically aggressive, they can be. Like most creatures, they respond poorly to being harassed, especially when tired or hungry. In turn, they’re not a fan of cars, dogs, or people getting too close.
Arizona: Gila Monsters
Gila monsters dwell alone in the Arizona desert. They’re the United States’ largest and only native venomous lizard. A bite from one of these colorful creatures has rarely killed anyone, but it’s said to be extremely painful. What really makes these creepy crawlers so dangerous is their temperament. Gila monsters have a terrible reputation in the Wild West. They’re incredibly strong and just as mean. If one bites you, it usually won’t let go. It may even chew on you to make sure the venom really gets in there. Luckily, they avoid humans. But if you catch a Gila monster with its mouth wide and hissing, consider it a warning.
Arkansas: Coral Snakes
There are a lot of snakes in Arkansas, but this is the deadliest to encounter. Coral snakes are small and vibrantly patterned. They also possess one of the strongest and deadliest venoms of any American snake. So consider yourself warned and stay away. Thankfully, coral snakes are incredibly reclusive reptiles. As with most snakes, they only strike when they feel in imminent danger. When it does attack, the venom it produces can paralyze the breathing muscles, causing death by respiratory failure.
California: Rattlesnakes
California is covered in various species of rattlesnakes. All of which are venomous. In the Golden State, watch out for the northern Pacific rattlesnake, the Western Diamondback, Sidewinders, Speckled rattlesnakes, Red Diamond rattlesnakes, Southern Pacifics, Great Basin rattlesnakes, and the Mojave rattlesnake, especially in So Cal. All rattlesnake bites are dangerous, but they’re not all fatal. Their powerful bite will damage tissue, affect your circulatory system, and even cause internal hemorrhaging. They’re known for being aggressive and reacting defensively. But thanks to their rattlers, they give out ample warning.
Colorado: Cougars
Much of Colorado is considered “cougar country.” Existing only in the Western Hemisphere, they’re one of North America’s biggest cats. They’re also one of the most elusive and least aggressive of all the large cats. But don’t let that sweet face fool you! Every 9 to 12 days, cougars hunt and kill elk or deer for dinner, which are two of the most dangerous animals on this list as well. They rarely attack humans, but if you see one, move away slowly. The survival rate of those attacked is less than half. It’s estimated there are between 3,000 to 7,000 mountain lions in the Centennial State.
Connecticut: Rabid Bobcats
Your average bobcats are timid and solitary creatures. They rarely come up to humans on purpose. Accidental encounters are much more common but rarely fatal. However, the rabid bobcat is an exception to this rule, as they’re much more prone to violent attacks. And there’s a lot of them prowling around Connecticut. Reports have been surfacing every month about more and more bobcats attacking people in the Nutmeg State. They’ve also been going after dogs, it seems. One Connecticut native recently reported a bobcat attacking her and her husband, viciously clawing her face with its rabid claws. She escaped but had to be hospitalized.
Delaware: Coyotes
Coyotes aren’t all that confrontational, but conflicts do arise. In Delaware, it’s best to avoid interacting with them for safety. They’re slowly but surely expanding their territory all over the state. They’re also protected. While some people have successfully tamed coyotes, they do attack and may turn on their tamer at any given moment. In other words, they’re definitely not man’s best friend. While the numbers are low, people have died from coyote attacks. They’re not cold-blooded killers, but due to their unpredictable mood swings and territorial instincts, they can be very dangerous. And lately, coyote attacks seem to be increasing.
Florida: Mosquitos
Florida is covered in mosquitoes. They’re native, invasive, and known to carry a plethora of dangerous diseases, including the West Nile virus and malaria. The sunshine state is home to a variety of mosquito species, all of which are equally inescapable almost anywhere you go. This year, scientists discovered that a new breed of these blood-sucking insects has been found in Florida. And they’re even worse. Apparently, the latest wave of mosquitos carries a new collection of serious diseases, including yellow fever.
Georgia: Venomous Snakes
In Georgia, venomous snakes are everywhere. The Copperhead, the Pigmy Rattlesnake, the Timber Rattlesnake, the Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the Eastern Coral Snake, and the Cottonmouth all roam freely in the Peach State. And they’re all dangerous. Pictured above, the cottonmouth is one of the most widespread and venomous. Being able to spot one could save your life. Often called a water mocassin, you’ll see them quickly slithering across a lake’s surface with bands widest on the sides and narrow on top. Their venom is haemotoxic and their bites cause gangrene. Beware!
Hawaii: Tiger Sharks
Tiger Sharks are considered the most dangerous sharks in all of Hawaii’s waters. While you’re more likely to be bitten by a Great White Shark, these sea monsters are even more treacherous when provoked, and able to do more damage than your average shark. Their bite rates are low, but when they attack, the survival rates are low too. Their wide varied diet is part of what makes them so dangerous. There’s no limit to where they’ll go when they’re on the hunt for a meal. They’re known to bite humans to figure out if they’re natural prey, and on occasion, kill them. Along with keen eyesight, the inshore species are able to detect faint electric fields given off by all living organisms.
Idaho: Bears
The rule of thumb is this: a bear who has lost its natural fear of humans is incredibly dangerous, no matter where they are. In Idaho, there are lots of bears roaming around, and lately, getting too comfortable. So the farther you stay away from them in the Gem state, the better off you’ll be. This year, there have been more and more reported grizzly bear attacks in Idaho, especially among those out for a jog. Grizzlies are considered particularly dangerous because of their forceful bite. It has been estimated that a bite from a grizzly bear could crush a bowling ball.
Illinois: Zombie Coyotes
If you’re not from Illinois, you may have a much different idea of what a “zombie coyote” looks like. Running wild in the Prairie State, these dangerous doglike beings are believed to be suffering from a highly contagious disease called sarcoptic mange. And it’s advised that all Illinois residents stay far away from them. At first, these sick pups were believed to be “malnourished or neglected stray dogs.” Once everyone realized they were coyotes, the situation grew dangerous. The disease doesn’t make them more violent, but it changes their typical coyote behavior. They come out in the day, enter areas full of humans for food, and can get you very sick.
Indiana: Deer
If you base it off the numbers, deer are undoubtedly the most dangerous animal in Indiana. While bears, rattlesnakes, and wolves are top contenders, deer kill significantly more people each year. But this comes as no surprise when you think about it. These graceful woodland dwellers are dubbed the most dangerous animal in all of the United States. In the Hoosier State, they’re all over the place, so be particularly careful on the road. Last year, deer were responsible for almost 200 deer-collision-related deaths.
Iowa: Domestic Cattle
Cows are pretty easygoing, but they could also seriously harm or kill you, especially aggressive males. They’re one of the most dangerous animals on this list. Every year, cows kill about 20 people by kicking or trampling them. Scarily enough, three-quarters of those incidents are said to be deliberate attacks, according to surviving victims. Iowa is synonymous with “cow country” for many reasons. For starters, herds are everywhere, and so are territorial bulls. The Hawkeye State ranks second nationally in red meat production. They also come in eighth for most milk production per cow. In turn, the locals advise staying out of their way and not making erratic movements.
Kansas: Domestic Cattle
Not so surprisingly, cows are also the most dangerous animal in Kansas. The Sunflower State has the third-largest number of cattle on ranches and feed yards in the United States. In turn, they produce about 5.69 billion pounds of red meat annually. In turn, much of the danger comes down to numbers. Kansas is one of the nine states with more cows than humans. In turn, a high number of cow-related fatalities in the U.S. occur here each year. Because cows are docile, the likelihood to be killed by one is relatively low. Until there are so many, that is. Anyone in Kansas will tell you that walking through a field with cows in it is always a bad idea.
Kentucky: Black Bears
Black bears are elusive, shy, and curious. In Kentucky, these qualities also make them dangerous. While they usually avoid people, many black bears have grown accustomed to human food sources around Kentucky. In turn, they are coming dangerously close to civilization more often, causing injuries on their endless quest for a snack. While they aren’t aggressive and generally considered tolerant of humans, black bears are also prone to attacks when they are feeling defensive. If you come too close, if you surprise them suddenly, or if you have something they want to eat, a black bear can become incredibly unpredictable.
Louisiana: Africanized Bees
In the Pelican State, there are many dangerous animals to watch out for. Black bears, brown recluses, alligators, diamondback rattlesnakes, coral snakes, copperheads, hornets, and wasps all live here, but this one’s still more dangerous in Louisiana. Best known as killer bees, they began appearing in New Orleans during the early 2000s. The tiny terrors aren’t more venomous than typical bees, but if one stings you, more will follow. Africanized bees always defend their colony. That can mean up to 10,000 of them attacking all at once. When their hive is threatened, they’ll chase and sting whoever has agitated them for a quarter of a mile, and they stay agitated for 24 hours.
Maine: Moose
Anytime you’re in the midst of a moose, you should keep a safe distance. As with Alaska, the most dangerous thing about a moose relates to its massive size. In Maine, the likelihood of moose-related car collisions is insanely high. So keep your eyes on the road. On top of being enormous, they’re known for having equally enormous tempers. A mama moose will not think twice about doing whatever must be done to protect her young, even killing on occasion. Still, moose-related car accidents make them the most dangerous animal in the Pine Tree State, averaging 700 collisions a year.
Maryland: Killer Bees & Other Stinging Insects
There are five families of bees in Maryland, but the one to look out for is the killer bee. Despite their name, one sting from a killer bee won’t kill you, but it will release a pheromone that alerts the other bees to come sting you as well. Those stung by killer bees receive ten times the stings that would be caused by an average stinging bee. The Free State is covered in dangerous insects, including cow ants, fire ants, blister beetles, Japanese oriental wasps, black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, and believe it or not, the monarch butterfly. It’s incredibly poisonous, but you’d have to eat it first.
Massachusetts: Dangerous Stinging Insects
Massachusetts is another beautiful state you should beware of the bugs. They are said to have over 150 “assassin bug” species here. Along with an insanely large variety of stinging insects, you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled for deer ticks, which can carry Lyme disease. But it’s those little stingers you’ll most want to watch out for. For instance, the Commonwealth state is home to a plethora of dangerous wasps that seem to emerge from every angle, including European hornets, mud daubers, sand wasps, yellow jackets, and bald-faced hornets, to name a few.
Michigan: Dogs
Michigan is another state where dogs are not always man’s best friend. Of all the dangerous animals around, dogs rank number one for causing serious injury, disfigurement, and even death to humans. Due to the high number of attacks, pit bulls have been declared vicious and completely banned. In addition to Pit Bulls, the Wolverine State claims to have six other breeds roaming around that they’ve declared dangerous, including Rottweilers, Bullmastiffs, German shepherds, Doberman pinschers, and Caucasian shepherds. In turn, those who own these dogs in Michigan can face legal consequences if their pet attacks someone.
Minnesota: Deer
Deer-caused collisions are a major problem in Minnesota. Local law enforcement says these crashes are especially dangerous for motorcyclists. Motorcyclists account for 17 of the 20 vehicle-deer-related deaths over the past five years. Reportedly, hundreds of people are injured in deer-related car crashes every year. But it’s not just car accidents that make deer so dangerous in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Deer have a healthy fear of humans and when the human and deer world collide, the results are rarely pretty. Deer will attack when on the defense and have seriously injured people on numerous occasions.
Mississippi: Deer
All over the country, deer are dangerous. That’s why they rank first on everybody’s list of most dangerous animals all over America. Where there’s a forest next to the road, there will be a deer waiting to jump out. In Mississippi, there are endless rows of trees that line the back roads, main roads, interstates, and beyond as far as the eye can see. In turn, the Magnolia State averages 3,000 deer-related crashes per year. The risk of hitting a deer is incredibly high here, especially for those living in rural areas, and much of Mississippi is rural. They also boast 1.75 million whitetail deer in the state, which is the highest population density in the nation.
Missouri: Venomous Snakes
The most dangerous animal you’ll encounter in Missouri is undoubtedly the snake, and not just one kind. There are many pit vipers here. The Show-Me State is also home to a wide variety of copperheads and cottonmouths, which are all incredibly venomous. Missouri is also home to a number of rattlesnakes, but one reigns supreme in the worst of ways. The Timber Rattlesnake is considered the most deadly of the deadly snakes, and they sprawl across the eastern and central part of it. And its venom is potent enough to kill a human in under 48 hours.
Montana: Grizzlies
Grizzly Bears are the official animal of Montana. They’re also the most dangerous. While they used to only reside in the western portion of the state, they’ve begun to roam into areas they hadn’t been spotted for decades. And this is one endangered species you don’t want to go near. In Big Sky Country, these beloved bears have become a major threat to fishers, hikers, campers, and anyone out for a stroll near the woods. While they’re not as prone to attacking humans as dogs are in America, the damage they do can be far more severe. Grizzlies are capable of slashing your jugular wide open with their claws.
Nebraska: Rogue Cows
You always want to stay far, far away from a cow on the loose. You never know what mood it might be in or where it might go next. Of course, this is not a problem most people have to worry about on a regular basis. However, a cow escaping and “having a cow” is a very real issue to be prepared for in Nebraska. In general, cows are known to be dangerous, but a rogue cow poses even more of a threat to humans. Female steers and bulls become enraged when they feel threatened and will stampede and plow down everything in their sight. So look out!
Nevada: Deer Mice
When it comes to deer mice, looks can be very deceiving. While they might seem harmless at first glance, they carry a wide variety of dangerous diseases that can contaminate everything they touch. They can spread sickness most easily through mouse parasites and contaminated food. In Nevada, they’ve become a major issue. Many spread the hantavirus and there have been a number of deaths in recent years, including one man who was cleaning out a chimney, and a deer mice nest fell on him. Hantavirus often leads to death and for this reason, deer mice are the most dangerous thing in Nevada.
New Hampshire: Dogs
Moose, mountain lions, and frostbite are all known killers in New Hampshire. And if you’re visiting, these are probably the ones you’ll need to be best prepared for. But for those who reside in the Granite State, dogs are much more of a real and consistent problem. Hands down, dogs are responsible for causing the most damage to humans in New Hampshire. In recent years, there’s been an increase of vicious attacks on fellow pets and children, and keeping a safe distance from a dog you’re unfamiliar with is always strongly advised.
New Jersey: Coyotes
Believe it or not, coyotes are the most dangerous animal you can encounter in New Jersey. While attacks on humans used to be rare, they’ve become more frequent in recent years. On top of that, coyotes roaming around the Garden State are also known to attack and kill pets often. During the spring and summer months, conflicts between humans and coyotes arise the most frequently. Not so shockingly, the spats are mostly related to food. If you spot a coyote, the locals say you should shout or throw something at it and resist the urge to run, or they’ll chase you. The population here has reached about 3,000.
New Mexico: Deer
Prairie rattlesnakes, apache brown spiders, scorpions, and black widows all rank highly as dangerous animals worth watching out for. But in New Mexico, deer once again reign supreme as the most dangerous creature out prowling the region. While they’re considered non-threatening in this part of the country, the CDC says they’re responsible for the most fatalities here each year. Rattlesnakes rank as a close second, sending many to the hospital in severe pain and in urgent need of help.
New York: Dogs
The CDC lists dogs as the most dangerous animal in all of New York. Over the years, there have been numerous attacks in the state, and a small amount of them have turned out to be fatal. Still, if you see a dog or group of dogs that look up to no good, chances are, your instincts are spot on. There are also a large number of lawsuits in New York from people filing claims against their neighbors after being attacked by their family pet. Nine times out of ten, that pet turned out to fall on the top ten most vicious dogs in America list.
North Carolina: Fire Ants
Watch your step in North Carolina. Fire ant beds are a major problem, especially in the summertime. They will bite, they will sting, and they will likely do so multiple times. Another dangerous thing about fire ants is that you don’t always feel them crawling on you until they start to bite, and by then you’re already in big trouble. In about five percent of cases, fire ants cause death, but they’re easy to avoid if you watch where you’re walking. They have one of the most poisonous stings of any insect and always travel in exceptionally large packs. Word to the wise: don’t mess with their nests!
North Dakota: Bison
In North Dakota, it’s advised that you stay two school bus lengths away from a bison, at minimum. They’re one of the most dangerous animals in all of North America. When provoked, they will definitely attack and the odds of getting out unscathed (or alive) aren’t good. These massive mammals may appear slow, but they can easily outrun a human. They weigh up to 2,000 pounds and can run up to 35 mph, so consider yourself warned. If left alone, it is highly unlikely that you’ll be attacked by one of these majestic creatures, but locals say getting too close to snap a photo is not a risk worth taking.
Ohio: Dogs
Ohio is covered in dangerous animals and insects. They boast black widows, brown recluses, copperheads, cottonmouths, deer, rattlesnakes, snapping turtles, and then some. But again, it is actually dogs that have the highest rate of both attacking and causing fatal injuries here. In the Buckeye State, there are many vicious stray dogs (and just as many pets) that have attacked, seriously injured, and killed innocent bystanders. There’s also a big problem with dogs attacking and killing other dogs. The most dangerous dog in all of Ohio is currently considered to be the Pit Bull.
Oklahoma: Tigers
Tigers may not be the first thing you think of when you think of Oklahoma. But they might be after this. Tigers are considered the most dangerous animal residing in all of the state. While dogs or venomous snakes are the worst to watch out for in other states, tigers are the most likely thing to kill you here. The reason for this seemingly strange top spot? Oklahoma is home to tiger safaris and havens where you can view them at a safe distance. However, tigers are infamous for getting loose during tornadoes, thanks mostly to faulty fences. Deer come in second as the next most likely, and more obvious, creature to kill you.
Oregon: Bees, Wasps & Yellow Jackets
Bees, wasps, and yellow jackets are the most dangerous creatures in all of Oregon. As with any state covered in greenery and abundant in flowers, these tiny terrors have made a happy home here, and have been growing in population for decades. No singular sting will kill you, but most of these sting more than once and bring their colonies along for the attack. For instance, when yellow jackets decide to sting, they release a chemical that actually attracts more dangerous stinging insects, like wasps.
Pennsylvania: Dogs
Once again, dogs are the animal most worth watching out for here. Bobcats, spiders, venomous snakes, ticks, and coyotes are all on the loose. But statistically, none pose as much of a threat based on the number of attacks each year. So if you’re ever in Pennsylvania, don’t pet a strange dog, no matter how tempting. In the Keystone State, a surprisingly wide variety of dogs have made the most dangerous list here. Labrador retrievers, St. Bernards, Gordon setters, Chinese Shar peis, and bulldogs all make the cut. And there are many laws in place protecting those attacked and holding owners responsible, which happens with alarming frequency.
Rhode Island: Black Widow Spiders
There is rarely a spider more feared than the black widow. Its look alone is oh-so-menacing and sends out a major warning to stay away. But good luck with that if you’re ever in Rhode Island. They’re said to be quietly lurking all over the place and the most dangerous creature around. Black widows live up to their name and reputation. They’re the most dangerous of all venomous spiders in North America. A bite from one of these is not only painful, but can be debilitating. And while they rarely kill people with one bite, it has been known to happen.
South Carolina: Wasps And Hornets
South Carolina is home to a wide variety of wasps and hornets, all making their home in the cracks, crevices, window sills, and doorways of human homes. In turn, they’re always at war with their “neighbors,” and they’re prone to stinging more than once. In recent years, the wasp and hornet populations have gotten even more out of hand, pushing them to the top of the most dangerous list. While they’re great for the environment, they’re incredibly dangerous to people and unfriendly for that matter. Whether you have an allergy or not, they can send anyone to the hospital easily.
South Dakota: Elk
The danger of an elk isn’t just related to its size. Although, that plays a part. The biggest reason these giant wonders are so dangerous in South Dakota has more to do with their demeanor. They’re not mean, per se. But they can be extremely aggressive when feeling threatened or provoked. An elk protecting their young perhaps poses the biggest threat to humans. Many in South Dakota have learned that the hard way, when they thought they were keeping a safe enough distance, but a mother elk didn’t think it was far enough away from her young.
Tennessee: Brown Recluse Spider
The brown recluse has earned the reputation of being one of the most deadly spiders on earth, no matter where they are. But in Tennessee, there happens to be a lot of them, all just as deadly as the last. For starters, their venom is very, very potent. When they bite, it destroys cell membranes, breaking down the skin, fat, and blood vessels, triggering death to surrounding tissues. But they won’t always kill you. The biggest threat they pose is to the elderly and children, where the brown recluse-related fatality rates are higher.
Texas: Flood-Rafting Fire Ants
If you’ve never seen ants rafting, consider yourself lucky. While interesting from afar, an up-close sighting of this phenomenon poses a dangerous threat to anyone near it. Many have mistaken this ruse as debris and latched on to save their life, but the opposite result occurred. The second you touch one of these, they will disband and start stinging and biting all over your skin. Enough stings can be deadly, and they’re incredibly difficult to escape. Apparently, the fire ants form these rafts to escape Texas floods, but they’re only looking to protect themselves by whatever means necessary. So steer clear.
Utah: Deer
Unsurprisingly, deer make the list once again, ranking the number one most dangerous animal in Utah. As you likely guessed, they’re the biggest threat to those driving a car or riding a motorcycle, with the highest number of animal-related fatalities being deer-collision-related once again. Deer also can cause trouble on the many extensive trails in Utah. And they’re not alone. In the Beehive State, elk, moose, and deer have all been known to defensively attack those out for a nature walk, hike, or camping trip when they tried to get too close.
Vermont: Deer Ticks
These small bugs are capable of doing surprisingly major damage. While most tick bites are considered harmless, deer ticks often carry a variety of dangerous diseases like anaplasmosis, babesiosis, Borrelia miyamoitoi disease, and Powassan virus disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. And in Vermont, deer ticks are plentiful. Sometimes called the black-legged tick, deer ticks are the most common variety in the Green Mountain State. In turn, anyone walking through the grass high or low, at any moment, is advised to cover their legs and protect any exposed skin.
Virginia: White-Tailed Deer
The White-Tailed Deer is elegant, ethereal, and considered the most dangerous animal in Virginia. As with most deers, they pose the biggest threat to those on the road. And considering Virginia’s terrain, many of those roads wrap around equally dangerous cliffs. If you’re coming around the mountain in “God’s Country,” be very careful. Along with the dangers of cliffside tiny roads and falling rocks, white-tailed deer are known to leap out in front of cars without warning. And the higher up you go, the more ways a deer-related collision could become fatal.
Washington: Bees
Washington is covered in vibrant and aromatic flowers. For this reason, it is also heavily populated by bees. Killer bees are known to prowl the state alongside the less dangerous bees, but they’re not all you will have to look out for. “Murder hornets” are just as fond of Washington’s pretty flowers, and their name says it all. The sheer quantity of killers bees in Washington is what makes them such a threat. As with all the other states to boast these buzzing bullies, once they start stinging, they won’t stop stinging. And you’ll have a difficult time escaping their swarming army of thousands once they’ve decided you’re their enemy.
West Virginia: Timber Rattlesnake
Timber rattlesnakes are all over the United States and equally deadly. Their population is particularly dense around West Virginia. Like other vipers, they possess enough venom to kill any human they feel threatened by. They’re also one of the most terrifying to encounter. Timber rattlesnakes are scarily large, but you may not see them right away. They’re known for being able to blend in with their woodsy surroundings, but when you hear their classic warning, you’ll know. Luckily, they’d rather avoid confrontation than strike, so West Virginians advise walking the other way.
Wisconsin: Deer
Watch out for deer in Wisconsin! In 2019, there were almost 20,000 reported deer crashes resulting in injuries to 556 people, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Last year, there were 10 deaths caused by deer-related collisions and 18,141 crashes. Deer are considered an urgent safety hazard here. Of all the dangerous creatures lurking about like rattlesnakes, poisonous spiders, and ticks, deer rank first in America’s Dairyland for causing the most fatalities each year. On average, about 600 motorcyclists also report deer collisions each year.
Wyoming: Midget-Faded Rattlesnake
Be very, very careful if you’re walking around the rocky cliffs of Wyoming. A midget-faded rattlesnake might be lurking nearby. The venomous pit viper can be found all over the western United States. While there are many dangerous animals residing in the Equality State, this one sits pretty (and sometimes hard to spot) at the top. Obviously, one bite from any ole rattlesnake is deadly. But the venom produced by a midget-faded rattlesnake is more toxic than most rattlesnakes and many other venomous creatures. In fact, these small snakes carry one of the most toxic venoms in all of North America. So watch your step in Wyoming.