Holiday Travel Tips to Get You Through This Travel Season

Unless your entire family lives in the same area, travel of some sort is probably a part of your holiday routine. Whether you travel for Thanksgiving or Christmas or even the New Year, you know that holiday travel is one of the most stressful aspects of the season. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you to ease the burden of your holiday travel and make it less stressful for the entire family.

Be Flexible

One of the most important things you can do this season is become flexible with your travel dates. For example, perhaps spending a few days after Thanksgiving with your family is something you’d consider doing instead of spending a few days before with them. Sometimes being flexible with your dates can garner less expensive travel. You can actually save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars by rearranging your dates so that you can spend the holidays with your family.

Expect Delays

Be sure to check for delays before you leave your home, especially if you are flying. Holiday delays are common because this is the time of year in which airports are congested and weather is unpredictable. You’d much rather wait out a delayed flight at home than at the airport. Check your flight status online prior to your departure to make sure you’re flight is not significantly delayed.

Pack Accordingly

One of the biggest mistakes people make during the holidays is not packing accordingly. Chances are good that packing your coldest weather gear for a northern trip is always going to be a good idea, but some people traveling south don’t pack correctly. Even Florida occasionally gets cold. It might be 85 degrees all day long, but the fall and winter months in the south occasionally come complete with cool, sometimes cold nights and days.


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